Author Note!!!

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Sorry readers. If your really excited for the next chapter, I would ask you to please wait. Listen, its been a day since my school ended. But now I feel stressed out about whats going on.

Today I woke up in the morning. I tried to keep myself energetic. But you know what I want to do, I want to have a life and go on a vacation since its summer. But what can I say... My sister is coming on July and we have to clean our house. I can't update because I am mostly aware of my Dad calling my name a lot of times to do things. (It is important).

I have to keep my emotions balance. I just want to yell or scream at the top of my lungs to let it all out. But I don't want to do that............ Because.......

My country is not the same as yours........

I'll give you three things about the truth of the world.

Country like:

United States of America: that holds PRIDE!

Japan: How they greatly HONOR!

Palau (Here I really am right now): treating people with RESPECT!

Yes. My country has respect. There are still people who respect and others don't respect.

For me, I respect. But I usually make mistakes all the time. I am independent from other people.

But any way.

Look. What I'm saying is, parents love everyone of us so dearly. They support us. They watch over since we were born.

I cannot be angry at my mom and dad, or one of my family. It hurts me. I regret from yelling at them. It makes me shed tears if I do that. But that's how life is.

Being a teenager (or young adult), you just feel lazy and don't want to do things that people tell you to do. But you have to. You just have to hold your anger, and don't say no. Because if you do, then they'll never talk to you and will always give you a cold shoulders and reject you.

I know. I experienced it. My dad calls me after school, in a nice way but, I kind of acted like a butt toward my dad. When it happened, he didn't want to talk to me. My mom had been telling me that, I shouldn't do that, because he's my father who supports me for my sports and my school. So in order for me to accept his forgiveness, I had to apologize to him about my behavior. So we kind of made up, and he called me an asshole, which I really am. I'm always angry at sort of things. Which he find it really funny.

But just understand that we will always love each other till the day we die.

Yes I did mention my sister arrives on July. Because you know, she's bringing her daughter so that I will get a chance with my family to see our niece/granddaughter.

Sorry. I was busy with some stuff!!! But I'll update sometimes. If I have time. Or now, but not yet. Because I'm still doing it. Toodles.

Well that's it. Its all I can explain. If you want to learn more about my country, just search Palau....

 Yui Komori: Puppeteer of Twilight. (DL: Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now