Part 2

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Breathing heavy. Out of breath. Sweating. Thats my workout done for the day. Ryan my best friend and next door neighbour always asks me. "Why do you take a run every morning?" My reply is always " it makes me feel refreshed for the day". He always laughs at it but its true. I have ran in rain sun snow hail basically every weather going. It is a nice feeling.

It was now 6am. Yes i went for my run at 5am. It was a nice morning and i stopped in the park next to the lake and watched the sun rise. Its my favourite part of running early in the morning. Sometimes the run is either in the morning before work. After work or in the night. If i run in the night i only run two miles down the road and back as i don't like running at night especially on my own.

I stand in my shower leaving the warm water trickle down my back. I washed my hair last night so i was only washing my body as of the sweatiness. Making sure my body is all fresh with my favourite apple body wash. Yeah i have a obsession with washing with apple soap. Apple shampoo and conditioner. Apple soap to wash hands. Thats my mother making me have this obsession. When i was younger it was all apple scented things.

After i finished washing myself i got out and tried to chose an outfit for work. Its hard as my washing machine has been broken well it wasn't washing properly and Blake offered to do my washing for me and I haven't picked it up yet. I have very little outfit chose so i chose;

I walk back downstairs and into the kitchen to boil my kettle to make a cup of coffee to get me going for the day

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I walk back downstairs and into the kitchen to boil my kettle to make a cup of coffee to get me going for the day. While the kettle was boiling i made a fuss of buddy and i put fresh food and water into his bowl. I went to get the milk from the fridge but was stopped because someone was knocking my door.

I walk to it and peer out of the peep hole and it was Ryan and Blake. I open it and they smile.

"Good morning" ryan says.

"Good morning. What brings you here?" I ask and he just smiles at me. "Oh no why is he smiling?" I ask blake.

"I have no idea he has been very energetic this morning. Anyway here is your washing. Its all washed and ironed for you" blake says handing me a bag of washing.

"Oh no there was no need to iron them i would of done that" i say taking the bag off her.

"Peace and quite for me doing it. This one can entertain the kids" Blake says tapping ryan on the arm.

"Oh shush. Anyway we are loving and leaving you. We need to get to filming" ryan says.

"Have fun" i laugh and i walk back inside.

I go to finish making my coffee and realise that my milk had gone off. Great. Fuck it i will run off no energy. I smoothed buddy one last time and went outside locking my door behind me and driving off to work.

When i arrive i park in my designated parking space and i was happy to see that Chris's car was here but also mr grumps car was here which wasn't exactly what i wanted to see but what did i expect he is the owner of this place.

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