Part 5

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Im drenched. Im running late for work and im dreading it. After last night Robert and i decided to go along with everything. Its a win win situation as he becomes CEO and i become the one under if we have the wedding. The only problem is i have to tell everyone that its not a lie. We have to make it like we are deeply in love and don't hate each others guts.

I had just changed into smart trousers and a nice top as i have just been for a run and its pouring with rain.'i swear this weather is bipolar. I had made myself coffee but had to put it in a flask as i was running late.

I got everything i needed and went into my car. I drove straight to the Office. I was soaked just going from the car park to the door and it's literally a few steps away. I rushed to the lift and dailed the number of my floor. Being late it made me think the lift was going even slower. The door opened and i rushed out and ended up running into something hard. With an 'oof' someone caught me.

"You need to be more careful miss" i heard a voice.

"Im sorry sir" i look up and it was Robbie.

"Oh hello future daughter in law" he smiles.

It made me cringe not going to lie. Did he know that i was doing this for a raise?

"Well hello" i say happily.

"Why are you rushing around. Dont matter if you are late your future husband wont mind. Even though he is a grump today he needs to see your face" robbie says leading me towards Roberts office.

"Uh no its okay i need to go to my office" i say.

"Please try and get my son happy" he says.

I couldn't argue with him. As far as he knows i do make his son happy. But i really don't. He is so moody towards me. Robbie leads me to his office and Robert looks up giving me an evil look then he fake smiles.

"Hey baby. I have missed you" he says walking towards me.

"Sorry im late" i say.

He pulls me too him and i stiffen then he kisses the top of my head.

"It's alright. Make sure you are on time tomorrow" he says tightening his grip.

"Oh yes son Andrea bought some cakes for the staff but they are cherry. Sorry you cant eat them son" robbie says.

"No problem. Not much of a cake fan anyway" he says walking back to his chair.

"Why cant you eat it?" I ask.

"Oh he hates cherries. Never have liked them since he was younger" robbie says.

I smirk and remember that i have cherry lip balm. Games are on.

"I have to go rob. I will see you in a bit" i smile and turn around.

"Excuse me" he says.

I turn back to him and he points to his lips. I wanted to punch him in them. Why is he doing this he could of let me go. I sigh and walk towards him and i lean down and kiss him the quickest peck i could ever do. I look at him with a dirty look and i head out of the room and into my office. Chris looks at me weirdly.

"What?" I ask.

"Explain this" he says and shows me his phone.

I walk towards him to get a closer look and it was a picture of me and Robert dancing and a headline with. 'We can hear the bells. The next mrs downey in a months time'.

"Yeah about that. Look i can tell you but you have to promise to keep a secret. Mr grumps have asked me to fake being in a proper relationship with him in front of you too. Everyone in fact. I still hate the man i need to tell you that i am not in love with him. He has asked me to marry him too and meet my parents because of this CEO thing. I can be next in line. Its a win win. Married to my enemy. Its going to be hard but im going to have to cope" i say sitting down.

"So you got to act like you are in love with him even in front of me?" He asks.

"Yeah please go along with it" i say.

"I will i will. Good luck" he smirks.

I went to Answer but i have an email come through to my phone from Robert.

Come to my office. We need to plan the wedding x

"Oh my jeez" i say

"What?" Chris asks.

I show him the text and he bursts out laughing.

"Why is he putting a kiss" he laughs.

"Probably to show people we are a thing. Ugh im not looking forward to this" i groan.

"Oh come on you are getting married to a millionaire. What is the harm in that?" He asks.

"One he hates me. Two i hate him. Three we will get on each others nerves. Four we are faking it badly and i can go on" i say.

"Its not like you have to have sex or anything its hugging kissing and holding hands" chris says.

"True. I better go" i say.

He wishes me good luck and i make my way over to his office. I knock the door and he shouts come in so i do.

"Glad to see you are here on time" he says not looking away from the screen.

"Yeah lets get this over with. Not exactly where i want to be" i groan making my way to the seat next to him.

"Well good luck because after we get married you got to be in this office with me all the time" he says.

"Like a fuck. No I'm doing enough being married to you" i say doing air quotations. "Let alone having to be in the same room as you all day" i say.

"Well its your job princess" he smirks.

"Yeah you know i can quit" i say.

"And we here would you go? This is a good job. Amazing pay" he says.

"Yeah whatever. Can we get this over with" i say.

With that Roberts parents walk in.

"Hello beaut" elsie says smiling at me.

"Hiya" i smile back.

"Good timing we were just about to plan the wedding" Robert says.

"Oh good. Can we stay?" Robbie aske.

"Rob we cant. Theres not enough chairs" elsie says.

"No problem. Maisie can sit on my lap. Not as if she hasn't done that before" Robert smirks at me.

"Not in front of your parents babe" i say.

"Oh we dont mind" robbie says.

Him and elsie sits on the chairs next to us and Robert pulls me in and makes me sit on his lap. He smirks at me. He grips my hips tight and i grab onto his arm.

"See nothing to worry about" Robert says in my ear.

I look at him with dagger eyes and he winks. I roll my eyes and we all look at the screen.

For a good hour we were planning it. It was going to be a light green wedding. A little service with friends and family. We have it new york in this beautiful Hotel. We have it on the top floor and outside and inside if its raining.

"I already have my suit. You just need yours now baby" Robert says cringing at his own words.

"Well i might get it next week when my family is down. I can get it with my mum and sister in law. Well my brother's girlfriend" i say looking at the screen.

"Perfect. Sorry baby but i need to go. I have a meeting" Robert says standing up.

"No problem" i fake smile.

"Dont miss me too much" he says leaning in to kiss me.

I know its a fake relationship but he is kissing me way too much. I kiss him back but cringe as he bites my lip.

"Pay back is a bitch sweetheart" he fake smiles.

I roll my eyes and we both go out of the room and go separate ways. This was going to be fun.

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