Part 36

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It was now the Friday. Today was the day we were going to get the keys to our new house. I was so exited i was like a kid on Christmas. I just couldn't wait to go buy things for it. Me and Robert went shopping on Monday and Wednesday and bought a few little things. Most of the things though we will use from both our houses. We just had new kettle microwave and other bits and bobs as we wanted a marble kitchen. We haven't actually said what our themes for each room where gonna be but hopefully that will be sorted out today.

I was currently waiting in the car as Robert had gone to put gas in it. I was scrolling through facebook and Robert walks back in and starts the engine while laughing.

"Whats so funny?" I ask.

"Oh the man in there had his top on back to front and his shoes on the wrong feet. He smelt like alcohol so he must of been pissed but he went in there looking for tampons apparently for his dog because she was on her period" he laughs making me laugh.

"Well dogs do have periods too Robert" i say hooking my arm onto his.

"Yeah not sticking tampons up them though" he says.

"They should make dog ones. Yanno once like 4 hours comes the tampon automatically drops out" i say.

"I will bring it up with HR" he jokes.

I smile at him and I wonder how the fuck i went from hating the man to fake relationship to falling deeply in love with him. Life is crazy.

We had just arrived at the house and the man and woman were stood outside. We both got out and greeted them.

"Nice to see you again. The house is now empty and now yours. I hope its the perfect house for you" Laura smiles.

"Oh im sure it will be. Me and my wife are so exited to get moved in after the baby is born" Robert says pulling me in closer to him.

"We would move in now but im a stubborn person and i wanna help him paint the walls" i say.

"Oh i was the same hun dont worry. I was pregnant when i moved in here and we had to live with bright orange walls for months because i wouldn't let my husband do it" she laughs.

"Exactly like me" i say.

"Well thank you for buying it. We wish you all the best" laura says handing the keys to me.

We thank them and they get in their car and drive off. Robert opens the door and it looked so bland. The whole house was bare. The living room had nothing in there. The kitchen still had the island and the beautiful cupboards but thats it. The outdoor garden was still beautiful and all the flowers and plants were there. When we went upstairs all the rooms were empty it was just all bland.

"Well obviously we are having the on suit" Robert says.

"The bedroom next to ours can be our little princes bedroom" i smile.

"Yes. I was thinking you could have the main office room and i will make one in one of the spare rooms" he says.

"No no. You have the main office. You are the boss Robert. Have it i dont mind. I would rather the bedroom one as an office. Its smaller" i say.

"So 5 spare rooms. Take two off and thats three so we will have three spare rooms. How about we make one into like a beauty room or something for you" he suggests.

"Uh i dont do a lot of make up" i say.

"True you dont need it but still you have a lot more clothes than me darlin. We will make it into a big wardrobe. How about the one next to our room will be the wardrobe we will add a door in the wall connecting to it and then the middle room can be the babies room. Then the two spare rooms and your office next to the two steps leading to my office" he says.

Its funny we were planning this sat on the floor on the landing next to all the rooms.

"Yeah sounds like a plan. What about the garden and garage?" I ask.

"So the indoor pool is perfect its clean and working tidy and the chairs and things we can just use the ones we have in both our houses. The outdoor pool is working. Just needs a jet wash and a a drain out with fresh water as the cover was renewed anyway. The garage well we can just leave that too. We can paint it white or something" he suggests.

"True. See half of this is all basically done it only needs painting in all the rooms and we have most of the things in both our houses. We can just get desks and furniture as we go along" i say.

"Look at us working as a team" he smirks.

"Yeah we will make a great team. Now colour schemes" i smirk.

"I will leave that up to you. Suggest a few things" he smiles.

"Our room a light gray. Obviously we want it modern" i say.

"True. Babies room can be a light blue" he says.

"Yes. Spare rooms just paint a cream colour" i say.

"My office i was like a dark grey" he says.

"You and me both. Kitchen we have already agreed on marble affect"

"Yes. Living room? How about white walls and we add the colour into the pillows and rugs and things" he says.

"Good thinking. Go on you chose the colour" i smile.

"How about a black and yellow scheme. Like black and yellow pillows and a black rug. The carpets in this house is actually okay so we wont need to change the carpet unless you want to" he asks.

"No no the carpet is perfect and that idea is perfect. Im so happy we are not arguing" i smile.

"Come here darlin" he says.

I straddle his lap even though my bump was a little in the way and i kiss him. He happily kisses me back.

"How about we start shopping tomorrow?" He suggests.

"Okay but take it slow? Four days a week for different things. One day kicthen then office then bedroom and so on" i say.

"Sounds perfect my love. Now lets go for something to eat all this house talk is making me hungry" he says helping me up.

"Me too" i smile.

I actually cannot believe we are getting along and im starting to fall for this guy.

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