Cinnamon roll

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Chapter Two 

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Chapter Two 

Cinnamon Roll

"Miss Miles?" The nurse calls out into the waiting room. Other expecting moms gives Elena a supportive smile as she wobbles towards the nurse. Her ankles were killing her but the excitement of being able to see her baby on the ultrasound allowed her to ignore it. 

"Good morning, Miss Miles "The nurse greets. Elena gives her a soft smile as she follows her down the hall.

"You will be in room 4 today, please put on the gown and the doctor will be with you shortly." The nurse repeats the same line she must day to 50 women daily. Elena takes the offered gown and closes the door. After chancing into the gown, she struggles to climb onto the uncomfortable bed. Elena nervously twisted her fingers as she waited. She had been having small cramps since her walk to the car shop and she knew she was almost to her due date. She released her breath to clear her head as knocking sounded at the door.

"Hello Miss Miles" the doctor greets as she walks into the room. Elena smiles and they start their usual questioning of her health and signs she feels she has been having. 

"I have been having a few cramps, but I can't really time them they are at random" Elena admits. The doctor nods pulling out a small doppler and gel. 

"Let she how she is doing" The doctor mumbles placing the gel on Elena's stomach.

"Is she okay?" Elena's anxiousness slipped as she watched the tool move around her stomach minimum sound. 

"There she is "The doctor says smiling as a strong steady heartbeat erupted from the speaker. Elena sighed in relief and waited till the ultrasound machine was set up. 

"Wanna see your girl? "The doctor ask making excitement rush through her.

Elena hummed softly to herself as she made her way towards the small grocery store. She had just left her prenatal doctor's appointment and felt she earned herself something sweet. It had been two days and she had yet to make the walk to gather her car, her legs still ached from the walk.

"Hey Lena!" A deep voice calls out the girl quickly turns to see Jax running towards her. A smile quickly grew as he got closer.

"Didn't I say call when you needed a ride?" He asks playfully. Elena rolls her eyes her smile not fading.

"Wasn't a long walk" She replies making Jax snort.

"Least it isn't across town like the clubhouse is" He chuckles shaking his head at her. Elena smirks at him her eyes locked on his.

"Need a ride home? I just got to run into the store and grab a few things and I'm out" Jax asks Elena quickly agrees and they head into the store together. Jax tries to make light conversation as he picks up the ingredients his mother asked for.

"Congratulations by the way" Jax says his eyes locked on her stomach. He wanted to ask where the father was but thought it best not to.

"Thank you" She mumbles her eyes wondering around the store.

"How far along?" He asks shoving potatoes into a plastic bag. He noted how short her answers where about her pregnancy. Was she considering adoption?

"36 weeks along" Elena says she wanted to ask him why he was so interested men don't care about other people's kids.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" Jax didn't know why he asked. He hadn't thought this through. Elena was a puzzle to him; she didn't throw herself at him, nor did she readily allow him to know her.

"I just want a cinnamon roll and tv" Elena says moving towards the bakery area. Jax chuckles quickly pushing his cart to catch up with her.

"How is that baby meant to grow off cinnamon rolls" he asks genuine amusement creeping into his voice.

"I just moved here take out has been my friend" she tells him as she picks up a pack of sweet rolls. Jax admires the way her eyes light up as she looks over the sweet.

"How about you go to my family cook out and eat dinner with us and cinnamon rolls for dessert?" Jax asks a teasing smirk on his face. Elena scrunches her nose at the thought of meeting new people.

"I'll even have the cinnamon rolls baked fresh not this prebaked shit" He coaxes making her smile.

"Deal" Elena agrees a large smile on her face. Jax quickly paid for his items before helping Elena into his black Sadan. The two joke the entire ride tossing out corny jokes. Jax had never laughed so easily since Wendy told him she was pregnant. he couldn't help wondering if he would still feel this way if Elena was the mother of his child. The woman had left quite the impression on Jax.

"I'll see you at 7?" Jax asks his laughter calming down after her last come back, he pulls into her driveway and put the car in park. The two go quiet as they stare at each other.

"Yes, sir I'm holding you to those cinnamon rolls" she says pausing before leaving. The girl bites her lips before committing to her though. leaning forward Jax stays still as she places her lips to his cheek.

"Thank you for the ride" She whispers before hobbling out of the car. Jax's smiles grows into a large grin while he watches her take wobbly steps towards the door.

"7 o'clock" Elena yells out towards him a smile gracing her lips as she waves goodbye. Jax chuckles a bit before a frown takes over.

He was walking into unfamiliar territory.

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