Lust for life

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Chapter Three

Lust for Life

Elena stood in front of her mirror a small frown curled onto her lips. She wore a knee length white sundress decorated with small, embroidered sunflowers. Her feet were strapped in brown sandals and her military dog tags hung around her neck hidden behind the white cloth. Biting her lip, she threw on a yellow cardigan and headed towards her kitchen.  Glancing at her clock she read 6:15 making her hide another smile trying her best to simmer some of her excitement down.  before she even had time to finish her drink the sound of a car pulling into her driveway made her frown. It was too soon for Jax to be here. creeping toward her door Elena placed her protective hand on her round stomach. The knock at the door made her jump before she peeked through the peep hole on the door. Jax stood on her porch one hand shoved into his pocket white the other gripped a bouquet of flowers.  

"Jax?" She asks confused as she swings the door open. Jax took a breath making her frown deepen. God, she didn't know how much she excited Jax and sacred him all at the same time. She didn't know that as soon as he left her here, he sped to TM to finish the stubborn woman's car. Nor did she know that he paced in his dorm for an hour and agreed that 5 was to early when he promised 7. She didn't know he nervously asked his mother for an iron shirt and to clean his Kute for the night. 

"Hey, I know I'm early, but I wanted to deliver her personally" Jax says a small smile on his face as he gestures in the direction of her driveway. Furrowing her eyebrows her face lights up at her father's old impala sitting in her driveway. 

"Oh, thank you guys" She rejoices throwing her arms around Jax's neck. A look a surprise slowly faded into a dopey smile as Jax wrapped his arms around her squeezing lightly. 

"It's no problem darling" Jax says in a low tone. Elena pulls away taking the flowers before leading him inside her home.

"let's put these in some water" she says smiling brightly as she leads him into the kitchen. Jax glanced around the home taking in the simple womanly decorations around her home. The is the type of home he dreamed of when he thought of raising his son.

"You have a beautiful home" Jax complements. 

"Thank you" Elena mumbles as she fills a vase with water. Jax take a knife from her holder and slice the end of the flower he bought her before gathering the flowers back into a bundle. Elena leans the vase in his direction allowing him to place the flowers inside. 

"You look wonderful doll" Jax complements his eyes dragging down her form. Elena blushes moving to set the Vase next to her sink. Jax notes the small sound of jingling as she walks and spots a chain around her neck. Taking the opportunity to his advantage Jax swoops closer to her slightly running his fingers across her shoulder before they found the chain. Elena's breath catches in her throat as she connects eyes with Jax. The urge to kiss her made Jax bold as he pulled the dog chest from under her dress to display them.

"The army" he mumbles questionably neither of the two moved away from one another both enjoying the closeness.  

"Marine retired" Elena mumbles before surging forward placing her lips on his. Jax responded quiet quickly wrapping his arms around her careful not to press against her bulging stomach. Jax released a small moan as Elena's fingers wounded into his hair. Jax made Elena feel alive. She had lost her lust for life and excitement as soon as she read her pregnancy test.  She hadn't wanted someone in a very long time in the matter of three days Jax gave her that want. He had shown her more concern than any other person had since her mother died. 

"Wow" Jax whispers as they pull apart. He hadn't felt that type of satiation from a kiss since high school. Elena smiles as he leads her towards her Livingroom practically tripping over his own legs. He quickly reconnects his lips to hers as slides his hand to her exposed skin on her lower side. Elena moans as he slips his tongue in her mouth as she pulls him closer. Jax poured everything he could into his kiss before he detaches himself from her. 

"You're so Beautiful" he whispers before trailing kisses down her neck. Elena gasped quietly as he began to lightly nip and bite at her neck. Her breath felt thick in her mouth as Jax continues to press slopy kisses on her pulse. 

"J-Jax" Elena manages to breath out as he hands move to push him away slightly. Immediately Jax pulls away his eyes finding hers. 

"I'm sorry if I was to forward" he was quick to fire off an apology making her grin.

"You're messing up my hair" She gasp out a playful smile on her face. Jax laughs before reaching over and combing her hair to the side. 

"Wanna get going?" He asks making her nod. Excitedly she takes the keys Jax offered and rush towards the door.

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