{ Chapter One }

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I'm dedicating this story to the person who made this happen because with out her help it wouldn't have been published. JEHallows . She made the title cover and im so so so grateful. It's beautiful :) I couldn't make one best suitable for my story and I was stuck on just that one thing. Everything else was completed but the title cover and now it's up!

Everytime I close my eyes at night it's the same dream.. Or not really a dream. It's dark, flashes, hail, blurred faces, wind and more flashes of deathly light.

I woke with the sudden need to breath like I haven't in an eternity. Sweat covered my brow and my back was soaked. I got up grabbing my flashlight and went towards the entrance of the store. I could hear the patterning of mice and of my own feet in the dark. I don't like the mice very much, but still I ignored them being tired and all.

I drowsily walked past the check out area up front and past the Subway, shining the flashlight across the letters of the signs everywhere (produce, clothing, checkout, food stuff like that).

I came across the entrance I put my flashlight down, and pulled my blanket closer to myself as I felt the chilled morning dews cold seeping in through the automatic sliding doors. I looked outside and saw only the smallest hint of pink in the horizon. I smiled at how it reminded me of a happy feeling I must have felt before, though I don't remember anything.

I backed away from the frosted windows and put on my shoes. I walked outside and stood in the parking lot and watched the sun coming up slowly, taking my mind far from the nightmare I just had.

Suddenly a large short haired animal came like a blur and ran at the birds in the parking lot at lightning speed. It looked like a wolf. Like some kind of breed of dog. Like a black German Shepard. Almost like it heard my thoughts, it turned and stopped chasing the birds. His tail begun wagging as he yipped and howled in a happy way. He ran at me and I crouched down to his level as his claws tapped across the blacktop.

"What are you doing here?" He whined and rubbed his snout against the palm of my hands. His fur was midnight black and shiny, with light blue eyes. "Hmmm I bet you're Hungry..." I smiled and he howled. "Come on." I went in with him happily following. By now the sun was almost up, just enough to set a beautiful scarlet color on the building and though the store.

I got a bowl from the shelves and opened a large bag of dog food. He seemed to like it and wouldn't stop eating. I sat and watched in a beanbag chair eating a box of crackers, occasionally taking a drink of my water bottle.

After he had finished, he found a pleasant place to sleep. What a sweet dog. Where did he come from? Did he have an owner? Of course he probably did. Well he must have. Why else would he have been so happy to see me. I was probably probably the only human he's met in two months.

I got up and went around the store collecting things for another journey. To find the missing part of me. The missing part of life itself.

Thanks for reading! I know this is not the most exciting part. I'll give you the second chapter after at least 4-5 votes.
Love you!

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