{ Chapter Three }

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Death as far as the eye could see...

At first it was shock then horror, and lastly just pure dread. About one hundred no, two hundred dead corpses of dairy cows lay belly up, scattered across the land. I could see rotting meat and bones. The dog jumped down behind me whining, and nudging at the one hand at my side while the other one was at my mouth... My stomach did flip flops and I almost vomited.

They starved to death. With only so much grass to feed on, and way too many cows... No one to feed them. They didn't make it. Birds, coyotes, and other scavengers came and went feeding off the rotted flesh, scattered across about four acres of land.

Such sadness overwhelmed me and not only could my stomach not bare the sight of this, but my heart broke.

I backed away from the fencing at the side of the road and got back into the truck, with the dog getting inside first. Tears streamed down my face making my eyes red. I whipped them away and took a swig of my water bottle, calming my nerves tremendously.

"There has to be hope for us." I said petting the scruff of the dogs neck as he panted and let his tongue hang free. Doing so, I felt a collar around his neck. I stopped the truck in the middle of the road to read the tag on it.......

"Charlie, 1-563-9078... Hmm." (Fake number btw. I just tapped in a random area code and numbers)

"Charlie." I said in a high and peppy voice, making his ears perk straight up. "That a boy!" He howled in that way of his, lifting my spirits way up. I zoomed away howling with him making us very happy.

In the moment this wonderful dog, Charlie had made me happy, I decided to make him my dog and protect and feed him and above all love him like any other friend would.

After that horrible display of death, I was on my way to find a place to stock up in tools, food, and some much needed sanity.

I came in view of a few Angus cows and a white horse who all looked just fine. I got out of the truck down the dirt driveway and nearly jumped out of my skin when I saw two fluffy grey cats starring at me from the roof of the barn. I stared back.

I narrowed my eyes and got a strange feeling while looking in the doorway of the house. The door was wide open. Something was going on.. Something I couldn't explain... "Like don't go in! And go inside!" I thought.

I grabbed my gun first of course. I doubted I would have found anyone. But for protection. I walked along the brick walkway that had weeds filling the cracks.

I stopped. The door was already open. My eyes twitched with suspicion and the tension began to build. I gazed inside and saw that it was big and I didn't notice anything dangerous.

I went in and was given the warmest welcome I've had in months.

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