{ Chapter Five } (The End)

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I heard water dripping and the sounds of breathing. I didn't even dare to try opening my eyes. I played around the worst scenarios in my head and tried matching them up with the one I might be in. My head head hurt terribly.

Something warm and wet touched my forehead and it hurt. My eyes flew open and I squirmed and screamed when I couldn't move my arms and lags from where they were. "Let me go!"

"No! I don't trust you." I turned my head toward the voice coming from the darkness of the room I was in.

"... Please..... W-wait... Are you.. human?" What the fuck. 0-0

"Well... I don't know. Are you?" He replied in a cocky tone that kinda pissed me off.

"Yes." I answered, squinting at the darkness.

After a long pause he spoke lightly, "I know you don't trust me-" jerk

"Oh-! Really?!" I interrupted. There was nothing I wanted more than to get out of there. If he wanted to act sweet then at least one of us should be the sour in this situation.

"I'm not going to hurt you! Just as long as you don't throw a fit while I try to help." He said in a firm yet gentle tone. Somehow I felt comforted by it even though I had no reasons to trust him.

"You can't help me." I snapped, feeling more lonely than I have since before I met Charlie.

"Excuse me, but who carried you out of the woods and saved you from freezing to death in the dirt when the sun went down? Who just happened to be hunting and started hearing cries for help? Who is the only other person left on earth?" He raised his voice a bit for emphasis and my eyes widened at his last words...

"You... You've b-been looking too?" I shook my head and just couldn't believe it... We're the last...

It took a few minutes to sink in and when he didn't speak I assumed he was thinking the same... My heart lightened a little and I found some hope in the stranger. If we're the last then we might as well get along.

I thought about it and decided it was my best chance.

"Untie me first." I demanded and glared. "I'm not an animal." I felt him looking at me. Possibly judging whether he should believe me. I heard the creaking of a chair as he got up and moved into the light of the lamp.

He pulled up a stool and looked me in the eye. Everything came flooding back... Like a stream of memories just overwhelmed me. It all just hit me.

Laughter, screams, cries, smiles, hugs, tears... The scenes of my life blinded me until he did something...

He untied my arms and legs enough for me to sit up. I leaned forward with an intent look in my eyes. I subconsciously lifted a hand and touched his left cheek with tears welling up in my eyes. That red hair that I've always loved so much... Those coco brown eyes... That smile...

He took my hand and said my name, "Hey Steph..." I couldn't hold back my emotions anymore. All my tears spilled and I didn't bother hiding it. I found him. My long life best friend in the whole world, Angel.

He wrapped his arms around me and let me burry face in his shoulder while he rubbed smooth and long circles in the middle of my back. "I wish I found you sooner.." He said sadly. He pulled away from me enough to look me in the eyes again and brush my tears away with his thumbs. "I love you so much."

"I love you too." I sobbed. He leaned in and kissed me lightly on the forehead. My body heaved and trembled at the fear and memories of the storm that made me forget everything.

"I couldn't imagine the rest of my life without someone. Or without you.... I was so alone for so long. I couldn't remember anything when I woke up. Nothing until now-." I rambled until he kissed me on the lips surprising me. A lot.

Seconds later, I melted into the kiss until my mind had cleared and I felt good inside. But... I didn't think he love-loved me..

"Why?" I whispered as our foreheads touched after we broke for air.

" I... I couldn't stop myself... I really do.. Love you. After seventy-two days without knowing what to do or if I am really alone. I thought everyone had disappeared. But you are still here. I've always wanted to do that anyways....... I'm sorry-" I forced my lips back onto his pulling him closer to me which he didn't refuse. I ran my hands though his red hair and stopped.

"I feel the same." I whispered into his ear. He pulled back again and held my face between his hands. His eyes sought deeper and deeper into my soul. When I saw how deeply he loved me, He knew he didn't have to say it. He knew that I was thinking the same.
When love is true, it is not something you should have to say aloud. It is felt from heart to heart.

"Don't you ever leave me alone."

What he said next assured me for the rest of my life that I wouldn't be alone again.

"Never. We'll be stuck together for life... Like glue. I promise." Those were the same words he had told me when we were only four.

"Like glue."

Stephanie and Angel lived a happy and long loving life together, and not once... Did they separate. They died in their sleep holding hands, and smiling. They had four kids together and named them after their parents so they wouldn't forget. Their dog Charlie lived to be seventeen and named their last dog, Samuel after Stephanie's younger brother which she never got the chance to say goodbye to before the storm that changed the world.

You never know how much someone means to you until they literally disappear from your life, so treasure them and I mean it. Do it. Like for real don't ignore your friends and family. It's awful to lose someone and then realize you hadn't spent enough time with 'em. I do not speak from experience... I can't imagine life without the people I love.
Well thanks for reading! I hope you learned something that you won't forget. To those that have lost someone, just know you CAN get though it. I love you and whoever had put their time into reading and understanding.

Love yah alllllllll! STAY GOLDEN!!!
-MacKenzie •-•

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