Questions- answered

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I thought this through and I didn't want to create a whole new POV just for Angel. It's hard and gets complicated. I'd think you should read them in order to complete your understanding of the story.... I'm lazy.

Why didn't Charlie rip Angel to shreds in the woods while protecting Stephanie???

Charlie was originally Angels dog before the storm. Once Charlie recognized him in the woods he realized that he really missed his master.

Why did Charlie leave his master (Angel) in the beggining?

In the beginning Charlie was set on a mission to find another human because everyone had disappeared, all but the animals. He was a very smart dog and knew what his master meant (Angel) when he said find her.

What is this storm???

The storm that made all this happen. It started when Stephanie was working as a cash register in a store. The flashing lights came and it's nighttime outside. All the customers ran and drove away from the store while Stephanie couldn't move from her feet. She stood there scared stiff looking at the sky. The same happened with Angel at the very same time.

Why was Charlie so excited to see Stephanie in the beginning at the store???

Him and Stephanie knew each other but she didn't remember him. That's only because Stephanie and angel hung out all the time at his house. (The house from the end)

How come it didn't seem like Angel lost his memories???

Angel lost his memories as well as she did, it's just that before she woke up, all his memories came back when he saw her again... (While she was still knocked out from hitting her head on the tree)

Why, even though he had his memories back in the end, did Angel not approach her in the light?

He was not sure if she would remember him when she woke up. That's why he said, "No! I don't don't trust you." He just wasn't sure she would agree with him and how he captured her and all. *wink wink*

Why was the door to the house set as a trap?

Angel was seeking out animals with the open door to trap and eat. Btw that house is Angels.


If you have any questions on anything else just PM me please! I don't think I missed anything. Haha ;)

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