{ Chapter Two }

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I loaded my truck with fuel and put my needed tools in the back: bolt cutters, flashlight and batteries, food, gun, bullets, and first aid... Everything for a trip to nowhere particular. The pitch-black dog came running out of the store behind the truck and jumped up from the drivers side. I looked at him funny and saw him panting and grinning at me to start the car. Hmm guess he likes car rides.

The engine started up with a growl and started out of the parking lot with a good view of the field around the store. Though I don't have a drivers license, I still do what I want. There's no one to stop me.

I sped out and got onto the road driving across the train tracks like I have about a hundred other times, trying to find any survivors other than me. As I left the main road of the towns I came across a road i haven't been down, and it looked like farm-life that way. I hoped to find at least a handful of people hiding out somewhere on a farm.

I went down it for about five min driving past overgrown and dead fields. I looked at the dog and rolled down the window a bit, giving him the freedom to stick his head out. I grinned and laughed at the face he was making with the wind blowing his tongue everywhere. It felt very good to smile and laugh.

My good feeling went away fast when I saw horror. I stopped the truck and got out. Death as far as the eye could see.

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