{ Chapter Four }

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"Ah!" I yelped and was pulled off me feet until I hung there dropping my gun. The world was upside down. "Uuuhhh..." I groaned. "Damnit! Hey Charlie! Charlie help me! Get me down boy." He jumped and whined, clearly worried about me.

I realized then that I had a pocket knife.

My shirt was over my head and I had to pull it down to reach in to my back pants pocket and open the knife. I looked up and saw a green rope around one of my ankles connecting to the trap on the ceiling. I strained to reach the rope because it was beginning to cut into my skin and I'm wasn't exactly curl-up friendly. I might be a little skinny and gangly, but I won't give up on life now.

I screamed and put all I had in pulling myself up. I grunted... With a one last attempt I fell down to the ground knocking the wind out of me. I laid there trying to bear the pain while Charlie licked at my face. I got up and cracked my back in the process, causing a pained groan to escape my lips.

The sun began so hide behind the trees now. I tried making the rest of my time in the light last. I got the bolt cutters from my truck and set the cows free. I would come back later for the horse.

I begun to explore the house. It seemed as lifeless as the rest I had discovered. I went up the stairs and looked around. A master bedroom, a disney princess bedroom, another girls bedroom, and the last one at the end of the hall looked like a teen guys room.

It interested me so I looked around more. The bed was a queen and was messy. I saw photo book on the dresser so I took it and sat cross legged on the bed with it. The pictures were of some young man maybe my age with a bunch of other guys including a girl with him in the middle and it said, "Have a great summer Angel!!!"

Charlie came in and jumped up on the bed scaring the living day lights out of me. I got up and found a black backpack in the closet. I went to the basement and took some books from a shelf along with a fuzzy teddy bear I just couldn't leave behind. I put the backpack on and went back out side with my gun in my hand and Charlie following me.

I put the stuff in my truck and walked around the yard more to familiarize myself... I planed on maybe moving in here. It seemed better than a grocery store. If I needed anything I could go into town with Charlie and get what I need. No big deal.

I started walking into the woods behind the entire farm. Curiosity was taking ahold of me. Charlie took the lead. I stepped over and under logs as we went and I watched Charlie's tail wagging in delight.

I zoned out of all my surroundings and got lost in thoughts. So many questions kept running through my mind since day one of being alone. Why am I the only one of my kind still walking around? Why do I have the same dream every night of the flashing and blurry faces? What does it mean? Why do I have so many questions and no one to ask?!

A hissing sound brought me back to the woods. The sun was nearly down. A snake was hissing at me from a tree branch only three feet away from my face. Horrified, I backed away and stumbled back over sticks and roots. I fell and landed next to a raccoon screaming.

"Ahh!!! Charlie!!!!!" I backed up on my hands and knees from the growling raccoon as it tried clawing at my face and neck. I stood up against a tree and ran away with Charlie no where in sight. I couldn't very well see where I was going. I had ran so far and I didn't even know which direction the house was in. I begun hearing squawks and animal noises making me freak out. Animal eyes looked down at me as I ran so desperately for safety.

An owl swooped down in my path causing me to scream once again in terror. "Charlie!!!!" I ducked down and flung myself accidentally into a tree hitting my head very hard.

I begun feeling this awful pain in my head and I couldn't move. My body trembled. My vision wavered in and out and I saw Charlie standing before my body in a protective position, barking and growling at something. The last picture left in my mind was a tall dark figure, probably coming to eat me. As far as I knew, I couldn't move a muscle. There was no way around it.

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