2: Duplication Story

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  I was at work, washing some dishes after Mr. Tang, mostly while Pigsy was packing the orders. When he was done, he yelled for MK to get these noodles into its destination. 
  "On it!" MK said, grabbing the orders. 
  "MK? Could I ask you for something?"
  "Hm? Sure, Morro, what's up?" MK asked. 
  "Once you're done, could you check up on my friend? I won't have time to do it today." I mumbled. Did I feel bad about asking MK to do this? Yes, absolutely. But I wasn't lying: I didn't have time to check on Sun Yue or Sun Wei. Macaque said he wanted to do some training with me after I'm done at work. 
  "Sure thing! Just tell me their address and name." I told him Sun Yue's address, as it's easier than telling someone their friend is in a hospital. 

  After I thanked him, MK was on his way, earphones on. I sighed, giving my attention back to washing the dishes. 
  Little did I know, this wouldn't be the last time I'd ask MK for such a thing. Macaque's training became more intense than it was, he was actually trying to correct my ways of fighting and he was making me meditate for at least an hour every day, making my working day's schedule totally full. And so, I kept asking MK to check up on Sun Yue, guilt eating me up inside. He never said no, but I noticed he was becoming more and more tired every day. 

  After a few days, MK's head literally fell onto the counter, groaning. Mr. Tang and I looked at him. 
  "Wow, MK. You look like hot garbage," Mr. Tang said. 
  "And not in a good way." I added, taking a seat next to MK.
  "Tired?" MK's father figure asked. MK lifted his head from the counter, eye bags visible. 
  "What? Me? No. I'm fine." MK mumbled, taking his bowl of noodles closer to him. "I just need to close my eyes for a couple of seconds..."
  Then, his head fell into the bowl. 
  "..I'm gonna go get some pillows from your apartment, MK." I said, standing up. MK gave me a thumbs up and when I came out of the shop, I heard Mr. Tang tell MK he's pushing himself too hard.

  I got some of his pillows and came back down, noticing MK's gone. 
  "Where did he go?" I asked Mr. Tang. 
  "If I wasn't so relaxed and cool, I'd probably be really worried about the consequences of this." Mr. Tang said. 
  "Of what?" I asked. Mr. Tang just started slurping his noodles. I shrugged, deciding I'd get those pillows back. 

  After a few days, MK seemed more alive? He was beaming, energetic, not a sign of the tiredness from before. I just hoped it was because he finally got some sleep.
  When I was talking to him at work, he seemed... different, to say at least. He was clingier, more messy than usually and I noticed he was getting.... bigger. I didn't exactly care, I was glad he was eating as the boy deserved it, but he was rapidly getting bigger, as if he was the one eating all of those orders. When I asked him about it, he simply blushed and ignored the question. Now that was weird.
  "Order up!" Pigsy yelled one day, more relaxed than usually. His phone started ringing and once he started talking with the customer, he visibly became tense.
  "It didn't arrive?" He asked the customer. Then, he got many more calls about the exact same thing: MK didn't deliver their order. 

  "Any more orders?" MK asked as he came into the kitchen. Pigsy was furious. 
  "MK! You mind explaining-" He looked at MK and screamed out, confusion and anger written all over his face. 
  "Err.. everything okay, boss?" MK asked. I took his arm. 
  "MK," I started, grabbing his attention. "Why didn't you deliver those noodles?"
  He shrugged, taking another bowl of noodles. Well, that for sure sent Pigsy over the edge. He started fighting with MK over the bowl, or, more like, tried to get it away from MK. 
  "MK stop eating! I'm hemorrhaging money by the bowl!" Pigsy yelled. "Stop it! Oh damn noodle!" 
  I looked over at Mr. Tang, noticing... another MK in the door? But this one was balding? Okay, what the hell was happening. 
  "MK?" Pigsy and I said at the same time. We were all just staring at each other for a second or two. 

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