Inbetween - 1

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- "Hate cannot drive out hate: Only love can do that." -

I loved my little brother more than anything. I mean, obviously. Sun Wei has been my everything ever since mom died. And now, he was dying slowly too. I didn't have a choice! He wanted to leave me and... I didn't want that. I was still his older sister. It was for his own good. I know that if I tried to explain this to the doctors, they'd... ask questions. And I didn't have the answers. He was my brother and I was his sister. It's understandable then... right?

- "No wind favors they who have no destined port." -

I have never been the type to take care of someone. I was a lone wolf since the start. But this one seemed... different. Strong. They were born broken, in the shadow of someone else. And it hurt them. After a few months, I promised myself to heal them. But now... will they really ever heal after I'm done with what I'm planning? Probably not. That shouldn't be my problem. I promised myself long ago to not get attached to anyone ever again. So why do I feel so bad?

- "Pity those who don't feel anything at all" -

I wish I asked more questions. They were so strange. They acted strange. Their quiet attitude was weird, especially when I take into consideration the fact they are friends with MK. It almost reminds me of... no. There's no way he is back. He's dead. And he will stay dead. But... they seemed wrong. And MK told me about them pretty recently, so they don't know each other for so long. Either way... I will keep my eye on them. But, if they try to hurt MK, will I be able to help him in time?

- "Sweet is the voice of a sister in the season of sorrow."

I can't see and I can't feel. I can hear my sister and her friend. My friend? We never talked about it. Now there's only dark. And I feel so, so hopeless. My sister talks to me more regularly. And I can't remember anything. Why am I like this? What has happened? Sometimes, I can hear doctors talk about my condition. It's bad. I wish I knew what has happened to me. What has happened before I came here?

School is rough right now and I don't really have time for anything, especially not writing, unfortunately. I want to change schools right now, tranfer into an art high school and I need to have my art portfolio done by the end of December. BUT! I was thinking today about trying something new, since I don't have time to write longer chapters. 'Inbetween's are going to be small collections of stories from other characters' point of view between the chapters, so these stories are told between the chapters 'The Grave Danger of The Skeleton Key' and 'The Cursed Macaque'. It's nothing special, but It's the only thing I can do right now, so.. yeah, I'm sorry. 
Hope I'll finish 'The Cursed Macaque' chapter soon so I won't keep you waiting!
  - Sincerely, the author

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