6: The Great Wall Race Comes

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I couldn't bring myself to ask Sun Yue about what happened in the hospital once I left. I haven't talked to her at all ever since. 
  I was in the shop, helping Pigsy packing up some orders while Mei and MK were watching some news or whatever. Not like I care that much. 
  "Peach of immortality..." MK mumbled in awe. I looked up from the orders. 
  "Peach of what?" I asked. They both gasped as Pigsy rolled his eyes beside me. They both started chattering something, but I didn't understand either of them.
  Mr. Tang cleared his throat. "If you'll allow me."

"Legend says there is a sacred field of trees which grows in the heavenly realm, protected by the gods themselves. Every few thousand years, these trees bring forth the peaches of immortality." Mr. Tang explained. "Against the wishes of the heavenly host, the Monkey King took them all, making himself immortal."
  "Hold up, wasn't he already immortal? I thought that he learned the Way and that made him immor-" I tried to remember the thing I was trying to read, simply just to make MK happy.
  "Morro, you're missing the point!" Mei exclaimed, cutting me off. "Whoever wins this race, will win this peach!"
  "That sounds like a scam." I murmured. 
  "I agree with the kid." Pigsy nodded. "Who's even hosting the race?"

  "The city." Mei answered. "It happens every year. It's like a tradition. And this time, I'm racing too."
  "Wait, you're racing? I thought I was the one who'll be racing!" MK exclaimed, sadly. 
  "...You know I've been training for months. I'm the one racing." Mei stated, frowning.  
  "Yeah, that makes more sense." He said and then looked at me. "Are you planning to race?"
  "Nope. I don't care about stone fruit." I replied. 
  "That's good! Could you imagine racing against someone with wind abilities? They'd just toss you out!" Mei said, chuckling slightly to herself. I gasped. 
  "I would never!" I defensively touched my chest, earning a small smack from Pigsy. "Ow!"
  "C'mon, you need to finish these!" 
  "Okay, okay!" 
  "There's no way you'd beat me anyway." Mei said to MK. "I know the track like the back of my hand."
  "Oh really? I'm a delivery boy! I so too could beat you!" They were chattering as they were walking out of the shop.
  "Oh, Morro, Pigsy, Mr. Tang?" Mei asked, turning back. "Are you going to watch me race?"
  "Sure! I wouldn't miss that!" I smiled, looking at her. The older couple nodded, agreeing with my answer. Mei smiled back and went out with MK. 

  I sighed and continued my work. 
  "You've been workin' here for a while and yet we know so little about you, kid." Pigsy said, making me look at him. 
  "What do you mean? I'm not an interesting person, so there isn't much about me." 
  "Hmm. The only thing we actually know about you is that you live with your dad away from the city." Mr. Tang said, finishing his bowl of noodles. "And that you have.. wind abilities? How does that work?"
  I shrugged, taking the empty bowl and putting it in a sink. "I inherited them, I guess. From my mom, I think? I don't know." 
  "Do you have siblings? Do they have the same power?" Mr. Tang asked. 
  "I do have siblings. Two brothers. I have no idea where are they though. If they still are, y'know, even alive." I started washing the bowl. "But I'm the only one with those powers."
  "How's your dad? He can come around sometimes too, ya know." Pigsy said. 
  "He's doing alright. I think it would be nice if he came around, but it's not exactly his thing to do. He can get quite... Shy around others." 

  "Hmm. I never heard of your wind ability before that wouldn't include mentions of Princess Iron Fan, too. Are you perhaps related to her somehow?" Mr. Tang asked. I shook my head. 
  "No. I'm a human. Just another human. Just with something different. Just like everyone else. I mean, look at your group!" I said, smiling. "MK is the legendary Monkey King's successor, Mei's  a descendant of the white horse dragon, Sandy is literally the buffiest most wholesome guy I know, Pigsy is the best cook ever, and your knowledge of Monkey King is really helpful now, too!" 
  "Are you implying it wasn't helpful befo-"
  "The point is; every person has something special to them! Just because my special thing has something to do with this bull guy's wife doesn't mean we're related in any way."
  "Maybe stop interrogating the poor kid, Tang. When did Mei say is the race happening?" Pigsy asked Mr. Tang.
  "She didn't have to say anything, I know exactly when it starts." Mr. Tang said.

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