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It was after school, and I was outside with Tameeka. I was waiting for Bobby, so Tameeka decided to wait with me until Trey was ready.

My phone started to continuously vibrate, I looked at the screen

::Incoming Call: ALEXIS💜::

I silenced my ringer, ignored the call, and went back to listening to Tameeka...

"You know what I think?", Tameeka says, mid into our conversation about Jonah's mysterious Instagram.

Usually I hated when we spoke of Jonah, due to my hidden truth—-but this topic specifically had me curious.

"What?", I asked, although I'm sure her question was rhetorical. My focus was on my phone again.

::Incoming Call: ALEXIS💜::

I hit ignore

"I think... Jonah is halfway telling the truth. I think maybe he doesn't use the account, but probably goes on it to keep tabs on you. Boyfriends do stuff like that sometimes"; Tameeka says, bringing my full attention to her.

My heart thumped at the assumption, I didn't like the sound of that.

"Wait what?", I ask.

"It makes sense. A little bit. I mean it's a possibility", Tameeka states.

"That's creepy. Why would anyone do that?", I ask, becoming worried.

Tameeka shrugs, "I mean... it's giving possession— but that's your MAN", she chuckles, "...and besides I have a whole fake account, so who am I to talk?".

I sighed, "I still think it's weird, and I'm honestly not comfortable with that—boyfriend or not", I honestly expressed.

The thought of Jonah cyber-stalking me didn't sit well with me. I hate the fact Tameeka brought that into an assumption— I didn't want to be paranoid.

"Oh please Bestfriend, so you mean to tell me you never kept tabs on someone on social media? That would be a lie—- because you definitely used to check for Alexis", Tameeka inputs.

I mentally rolled my eyes...

"That doesn't count", I retorted.

"And why not?", Tameeka questions.

I sighed, "It's not like I was on Alexis' page everyday or something. I mean yeah when I was crushing on her, but I didn't check her page countless times".

Tameeka shrugs, "I mean I guess—- but who's to say Jonah is doing that. I didn't say he was watching your page like a psycho. I'm just saying, sometimes boyfriends are secretly watching".

"And again—still creepy— I don't want him watching me from some top secret account", I hold on to my point.

Tameeka replies, "Well girl—press him about the account. And it was just a thought Jordan, he could be using it for other reasons. However, none of the reasons sound good regardless".

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