This or That

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"Here you go with all these clothing choices", Tameeka comments as she frowns at the blue shirt I picked up.

"How is this ugly? It's just a plain blue shirt.", I reply bothered how Tameeka has negatively commented on all my choices so far.

We were 15 minutes into shopping in some boutique in the mall.

As Tameeka and I shopped, Alexis was roaming about, also looking for things to wear.

Alexis mentioned she'll be in either the sneaker spots or waiting for us at the food court.

"Girl, you are shopping for your 18th birthday, NOT back to school shopping like you're 10", Tameeka judges.

I was frustrated.

"How about this?", Tameeka says lifting up this silver romper that had this huge split/drape down the middle.

"That's showing too much, and I don't even have anything to show", I say.

"You don't need huge boobs to wear this, you barely need boobs at all", Tameeka says, "Just need style it up to your likings".

"No", I simply denied the dress, "Plus this splint I have to wear, makes everything seem ugly".

Tameeka sighs...

"What about this then?", Tameeka tries again with this yellow sheer leotard.

"Once again , I'm not shaped like you, I barely have boobs or a butt—the things you keep picking out, require them", I roll my eyes.

"Jordan, you acting like you some tree branch. You have boobs, yes they aren't huge but they are nice and perky. And your butt isn't even flat. You working with something—-stop playing yourself", Tameeka says.

I sigh, not feeling excited about this shopping idea due to the fact I couldn't find anything and due to the fact I have to still wear this splint because of my injury.

Other than that, I also couldn't deny that my mind was stuck on Alexis right now too.

I kept wondering what clothes she's picking out, and weirdly—-I kept thinking about all those females trying to speak to her.

It sounds weird, but as soon as we walked into the mall—girls wouldn't stop eye gawking her and flirting.

Alexis, multiple times turned down many females since we walked inside this mall. However, I still felt a pang of jealousy—-couldn't explain why.

"If we cant find nothing else anywhere, I'm just going to say forget about it", I say.

"Okay if that's what you want, you are really being a birthday-zilla", Tameeka says.

I looked through the racks again, and saw this cute jean jacket.

"This is cute", I say, "and it won't look bad with my splint on my wrist"

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