Bygones (Side B)

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A/N: Welcome to Side B of "Gygones". If you guys need a recap, please return to Side A.

Disclaimer: Side B will be short— it's a transitional chapter to Side C which would be the longest chapter to "Bygones"


(3 years ago)

August 18th, 20XX


Now being in her best friend, Rayna's room—Kayla was circling in a computer chair.

"I think that was sweet of him", Rayna says after hearing about the little heroic scene between Kayla and Brandon.

"That—He seems very chill..I ended up inviting him to Jonah's party tonight", Kayla says, keeping the chair now still.

Rayna looked surprised, "Oh wow—so I guess that means we're going too?"

Kayla shrugs, "I mean if you want to, but I just thought the gesture was a welcome to the college life"

Rayna twisted up her lips, "Yeah okay", Rayna chuckled causing Kayla to do the same.

" Okay and maybe because he's cute. Regardless of him being a freshie", Kayla admits.

Rayna chuckles, "Mhm—Talk about playing with fire though".

Confused Kayla, "Again, Jonah and I are way over", she reminds Rayna.

"I know, I know—but you don't think inviting your new boo to your old boo's party, not risky?", Rayna was concerned.

"Whoa, rewind—I don't have a new 'Boo'. I just said he was cute", Kayla firstly says.

"Okay—That", Rayna agreed.

"Secondly, it's not that type of energy or vibe between me and Jonah . We are both perfectly fine with dating other people", Kayla explains.

Rayna nods, "Okay—just was checking"


(3 years ago)

August 18th, 20XX


Stepping into his dorm room— Brandon was welcome by strong smells of mixed colognes and semi loud music.

After closing the door...

He shook his head, "It's sad that I can smell you halls away", Brandon exaggerated, speaking to Leroy.

Leroy chuckled, "I'm smell testing to match my outfit for tonight"

"Obviously", Brandon says, putting down his new textbooks. He then took a seat on his own bed.

"I see you finally got your books—that means you're done crushing on 'book girl' ", Leroy says looking through his jewelry.

Brandon spoke, "For the last time Lee—I was never crushing on that girl", he replies, assuming the 'book girl' was Rayna.

Brandon couldn't express that enough. He thought Rayna was cute but he honestly didn't feel any attraction towards her.

Besides— he now unintentionally had his eye on someone else.

Leroy laughed at the annoyance in Brandon's tone.

BOBBY'S COUSIN (Lesbian Story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن