Chapter Three

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The next morning, the gang arrived at the boathouse, with supplies for Eddie.
"Delivery service." Dustin smiled with his hands full of bags of junk food.

"So we got uh, some good news and some bad news." Dustin stated as Eddie made his way through a box of cereal.
"Bad news first. Always."

"Well the police are definitely looking for you. They're also 100% sure you killed Chrissy."

"Good news is your name hasn't gone public yet." Max added.
"But if we found out about you, there's a high chance others are going to too, right?" Monica said, the group agreeing.

"Before that happens, we're going to find Vecna, kill him and prove your innocence."
"That's all, Dustin? Thats all."
"Pretty much." He nodded.

"Guys, I really feel like we've got this. You've been through this like what? Two? Three times already." Robin said, trying to sound positive.
"Yeah well we usually rely on this girl with super powers-"
"Super powers?" Eddie cut Steve off.

"Dustin filled me in on what's happened over the last four years in Hawkins. A girl with super powers is nothing." Monica laughed. Dustin talked the whole journey home last night, filling her in on Hawkins Lab, Will Byres disappearing, Mind Flayers possessing Billy Hargrove and destroying Starcourt Mall. Everything was pretty much unbelievable. She was still trying to get her head around everything.

"Really, Eddie. You don't have to worry!" Dustin smiled to him. The sound of sirens were heard in the distance, but were edging closer to the boathouse.
"Tarp!" Robin proclaimed. Eddie hid under the tarp and everyone else rushed to the window to see what was going on. The police cars flew straight past.
"You're good Eddie." Monica told him, waving him out of the boat.

"We have to see what's going on." Robin said, walking towards the door with Steve.
"Wait you're all going? Is nobody going to stay?" Eddie asked, appearing from the tarp. It was silent amongst the group, who all just looked at each other blankly hoping someone would volunteer.
"Come on! I know I'm a wanted criminal but..."

"I'll stay," Monica interrupted. "I mean, if you want me to? I don't think I'm really cut out for monster hunting." She shrugged. Internally, she knew she'd feel completely useless helping the guys. As they'd already said, they've been through this before, this was all new to Monica.

"Fine," Dustin said. "Take this, and radio us if anything happens." He handed Eddie a walkie-talkie.
"Mon, you sure you're staying?" Steve asked. Monica nodded in reply. "We'll be back later, okay?"
"Okay Steve! Just go and find out what's happening," Monica ushered Steve and the group out the door. "We'll be fine."

Steve, Robin, Dustin and Max quickly headed for the car and followed the sound of sirens. They stopped at the trailer park.
"Hey, is that Nancy?" Dustin spoke as they pulled up to the side. The road was shut off and Nancy was talking to two police officers. She found Fred from the school newspaper, dead in the middle of the road.

"Now, you said last you saw Fred, was by the picnic table. Do I have that right?" The chief asked. Nancy heard the noise of a car, looking up to see Steve, Robin, Dustin and Max emerge from the vehicle.
"Miss Wheeler?"
She wasn't even listening. A wave of relief washed over her seeing the familiar faces. Once she finally got away from the police, she joined the group at the picnic tables in the trailer park, who filled her in and what's already happened.

Monica couldn't tell if she was regretting her decision to stay here with Eddie, but surely it was safer than looking for this Vecna, Dustin was talking about.
"Thanks, by the way, for staying. It was starting to get quite lonely in here." Eddie laughed nervously. He wasn't quite sure why Monica had stayed. They'd never really spoke to each other before, but he was just glad to have some company.
"Sure. I can't imagine I'd be much help with those guys. This whole thing just sounds crazy!"

"You're telling me," He scoffed. "And this isn't the first time?"
"Apparently not, Dustin told me so much yesterday you wouldn't believe it."
"Well, I'd say we've got some time to kill." Eddie leant back, resting his feet on an old wooden box. They sat and talked for hours, it was probably the longest Monica had spoke to someone about anything. She told him all about Will and Billy, the truth about Starcourt.

"Russians?" Eddie repeated.
"I know, it's unbelievable." Monica nodded in agreement.

"Monica," Eddie started. "I'm really sorry about Chrissy. I tried to help her, I was just so useless."
"It's not your fault," She replied. Learning about what's been happening in Hawkins over the last four years had took her mind off of Chrissy. "But I do have some questions about that. Like why was she buying drugs off you? Why did you even agree to that?"

"Monica that's what I do. I don't know the exact reason why she came to me but it sounded like she was going through some stuff. She said something about feeling like she was losing her mind."
"God I must be the worst best friend in the world! She couldn't even tell me something was wrong."

Eddie got up and sat besides Monica who had her head in her hands.
"I doubt that's true. Maybe this was just something she wanted to keep to herself."

She sat up and wiped her eyes.
"I'm sorry you had to see all that. With Chrissy. I hope people aren't going to come after you."
"Hunt 'the freak' right?" He shook his head.
"Eddie, I never saw you as a freak."

Eddie let out a small smile. It was nice hearing that from Monica. It's nice to hear that from anybody, who wants to be called a freak? But Monica, she was friends with Jason and the basketball team who were nothing but cruel to him. Well, most of them.

Eddie was about to speak, before a bright light shone through the windows.
"Hide Monica," He said, removing the tarp from the boat. "Now!"
He was panicking. Who had found where he was hiding? Did they know Monica was here too? Although they'd only known each other a small amount of time, there was no way he was going to let anyone hurt her.

The front door was briskly swung open.
"What is going on in here?" Steve asked, standing with his hands on his hips, looking at the scene in front of him. Eddie had thrown Monica into boat, trying his best to hide her.

"Damn it Steve! Could you not have given some kind of warning?" Monica let out a frustrated groan.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry  We're heading to the Wheelers, are you coming?"

Monica nodded, picking up her denim jacket.
"See you soon." She smiled at Eddie before following Steve out.

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