Before Final Selection.

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Note: This chapter switches between perspectives. Chisana first, Aika, then Amai. It shows their view of the story.

"Don't hide behind me, wimp," The boy Chisana was next to said.

"Oh, sorry!" He said, a little spooked by the person's rude tone.

"HEY! What's your problem dude!" Amai yelled at him, walking over to the boy to defend him, standing in front. Then the guy stepped forward closer to Amai, clearly angry. Amai gave him a death glare. Which was returned by the boy.

"L-let's not fight, this won't help you survive in the selection." Chisana said quickly.

"This dude needs to learn to respect others, and to not be so air headed, he's an idiot." Amai scoffed.

"Who are you calling an idiot?" the boy said, grabbing her arm roughly.

Chisana looked at them with shock. If anyone gets injured, it would increase their chances of dying in the selection exam... I have to stop this before it escalates. He thought.

"YOU, who else would have an ego the size of a house, and the brain of a mouse." she said then ripped her arm out of his, hitting him on the arm where he had grabbed her.

"STOP!" Chisana yelled, but he knew it wouldn't stop the fight.

"I should go, this guy isn't worth my time." she said before walking back to the other girl.

Chisana sighed with relief, thankful that the fight didn't continue... until the boy grabbed his arm that is. Chisana struggled, trying to get back to the girl who helped him. He broke free, and the boy looked angry, looking ready to attack him, so Chisana firmly put his hand on his head, giving him a disgusted look.

"Okay, we're done. I don't wanna hurt you, because it would make you have a lesser chance to survive." He sighed, and then walked away.

Chisana walked to the girl who helped him. The other girl standing next to her talked.

"Hi! I'm Aika. Are you okay?" Aika asked Chisana.

"Oh, yea, I'm fine... I'm not really hurt, but I think the other girl might be-"

"Hey, I'm sorry that I nearly started a fight defending you.." The other girl said, embarrassed, looking at him.

"Oh, it's fine- I'm Chisana, by the way... and Kyojuro Rengoku is my mentor."

"Oh, that's so cool!" the girl smiled before continuing. "I'm Amai, it's nice to meet you!" she said happily.

"That's a pretty name!"

"That's so cool that you were trained by Rengoku. He seems better than Sanemi." Aika noted.

"Sanemi!? The pillar!? That's amazing!"

Amai was walking through a forest that seemed to be lit up with all sorts of beautiful glowing purple-ish pink trees. With people about her age some younger, some older all gathered around the area up front. Amai walked up the stairs and was amazed by the beauty of nature.

"Kanae is very nice, but Shinobu is a little more...I don't know." Amai said to the girl next to her who had started the conversation.

"Wait Kanae, as in the flower hashira?" one of the girls asked, her eyes widing. Then more people started to crowd around her and she got really uncomfortable.

"Amai! How are you?" Aika asked. Aika was wearing her regular clothes, but she had two swords with her. Amai took the interruption as a chance to escape.

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