First Mission

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All of sudden, their birds flew in. Amai jumped, but Aika, Yui, and Chisana seemed calm.

"North-northwest! North-northwest! Save a village from a demon!" Their birds squaked noisily. Amai's Hummingbird landed on her finger, she some-what smiled.

Everyone filed out of Butterfly Mansion, running northwest. Their birds appeared occasionally to guide them.

Amai ran ahead of everyone, avoiding their questions and comments. She didn't speak, and the others eventually stopped trying to make her speak. The sun started setting, the sky darkening.

"We should stop for the night..." Chisana advised.

They all stopped, setting up to rest

until dawn, or near dawn. Yui handed everyone some food. Amai ignored her, walking off on her own.

"Amai...where are you going?" Aika asked. Amai just shook her head.

Chisana came up behind her, resting his hand on her shoulder. "Amai, we are here. Tell us anything, we can help you. We're your friends."

"Do you think she should have her swords with her?" Yui asked quietly.

"I'm just going to get some fresh water from the stream nearby..." she said walking off, quite slowly. Almost dragging her feet on the ground.

Chisana looked after her, a concerned look on his face. "Maybe fresh air and some peace and quiet will help her..."

Aika and Yui sat together, talking. Amai walked away quicker. Now looking behind her making sure no one was behind her. She reached the stream.

"Guess I'll do this quick.." she pulled her katana out, sighing. Breathing heavily, was she really gonna do it? She lifted the katana to her neck, terror could be seen in her eyes. She hesitated though.

"AMAI DON'T DO IT!" Chisana jumped out of a nearby tree, running over to Amai and grabbing her wrists.

"WHAT THE-" Amai looked back at Chisana, clearly angry and confused.

"Let. Me. GO." she kicked forward, nearly breaking his ribs. Re-grabbing her katana.

"AH- please-" Chisana said, trying to recover from the blow. "AMAI!"

Amai put the sword next to her neck, quicker this time. She felt the blade cutting into her neck, warm blood trickling. It hurt...Amai slowed down a little. It really hurt. Chisana barreled into Amai, pinning her.

"Do you know what happens when you die!? Everyone you love will be sad! This is a permanent solution to a temporary problem! You can get over it! Don't be childish!" Chisana screamed.

"Get OFF ME! No one loves me, I don't love anyone!" She attempted to kick him off, but she was trapped under his weight. She looked up at him, extremely angry.

"I'm not going to let you kill yourself." Chisana looked at Amai, sadness clouding his gaze. Tears dripped down.

"Please....let go.." she said now begging for him to let her. Tears rolling down her face. She rolled out from underneath him, now getting stopped by Aika.

"Amai! What happened!?" Aika yelled. She grabbed Amai by the arms. Amai looked at her with regret, eyes flooding with tears. Aika looked sadly at Amai.

"Aika...just, don't look at me. I can't...I can't hurt anyone else." Amai closed her eyes, going limp in Aika's grip. She had passed out.

"I think it's a little late for that." Aika laughed weakly, putting pressure on Amai's wound.

Amai woke up, her neck bandaged heavily. She looked around to see everyone waiting by the campfire for something.

"G–..." she was cut off by the burning sensation coming from her throat where she had cut. She began coughing, which only made it hurt more.

Chisana came forward with water, tipping it to Amai's lips. Aika started forward towards Amai, but turned away. Amai wondered why.

"Aika!" Chisana yelled, suddenly angry. "Stop doing that! You need to be here for your friends, especially when they are hurt! It's cruel to turn your back on them. Why do you keep doing it!?"

"I'm sorry-I-" Aika broke off, holding her face in her hands. "I can't-"

"Why not!? You're mean, Aika." Chisana yelled. Why was he so angry?

"Chi-" Amai broke off, her throat still hurting.

"I...I just can't help...If I make it worse...just like with Yuna, they'll all die.." Aika muttered, babbling about something.

"What-" Amai broke off again. Aika seemed to understand.

"Yuna died, because I probably scared her. I tried to help her, but she ran. And died. It's my fault. If I help someone...I just make it worse. I can't explain it..not with words..not even-" Aika tried explaining.

"In your head." Amai finished, her words broken. Aika nodded, looking at her gratefully.

Chisana sighed. "Still, Aika should help her friends. Amai, how are you feeling? Do you need more water? Maybe you should go to Butterfly shouldn't be on this mission anymore." He fluttered around Amai.

Amai sighed. Them giving a chance for her to be on her own was stupid, but whatever. She slowly sat up, pain tweaking through her neck. She kept going anyway. Aika stared apologetically at Amai. Yui stood next to Aika, talking to her quietly. Amai felt sad, but for a different reason.

"I'm so sorry..." her face filled with pressure, and a few tears threatened to fall. "It was selfish...I didn't think about anyone else.."

"It's normal...I guess. You weren't selfish, it's fine. We're here, don't feel. bad." Yui smiled a small smile.  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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