ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 04: ʜᴇ's ғᴜᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴜᴘ

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Remington's POV

I'm really confused. It seems like every time Rena's around or when we're in public, Chris is so nice and it's like he's a whole other person. And then when I do absolutely nothing wrong he is a fucking prick all the fucking time. It doesn't make any sense! He apologises most of the time, but what the actual fuck? Was he mentally deranged or did he know I wouldn't be like 'Oh yeah, beating the fucking shit out of me is fucking fine'? What the fucking hell did I do? And then he thinks it's okay to just play the good fucking boyfriend who has no fucking flaws or fucking problems. Yeah, I get it. Sometimes we all see fucking red, and for some it's hard to admit up to their problems, but fucking seriously?

I watched as Rena walked into the room and sat down in Chris's lap, probably ignoring that I existed. I scoffed and turned my attention back to the medium-sized black TV that wasn't even on. "Hey, Rem?" Rena's soothing voice broke the silence. "What?" I snapped, a lot less bitterly than I anticipated. "What's been causing your... episodes that have been going on off and on?" Chris's strong voice rang throughout her small apartment. "Honestly, I remember when they happen and forget when they don't." I said truthfully, I think. "Rena, you want to just go out and hang around town?" I could tell that she probably wouldn't have without Chris. "Can Chris, Rick, and Em come?" She asked, staring into my eyes. "Yeah, Ricky and Chris can go in Chris's car. My car will only fit three at the moment." I lied. I could've easily moved around some things to arrange it to where everyone but one could fit, or if need be, we could go in Chris or Rena's car. She nodded, slipping on some shoes. I headed out to my car with Em, Rena, and I. A car I absolutely loved.

We drove in silence until Rena played City Lights, a song I didn't like, and I know Chris didn't either. I turned down the radio and spoke, "Have you heard anything from Infmaous?" I asked, knowing if she couldn't be in the same car as him, she'd want to at least hear him. "No, only America." She said. I knew Chris probably wouldn't want her to hear multiple songs from that album, probably almost all of them. I personally didn't care for Motionless, but I did care for Rena and whether she was happy or not.

I glanced back at my silent brother. He knew that I knew that Chris wouldn't want her to hear anything from the specific album. He didn't have to know, did he?

I leaned back in my seat an inch or two, so I was sitting comfortably. I turned up the radio just a little bit as Synthetic Love played. I guess this song was okay. I knew when I ran out of the unwanted songs off of Infamous, there were a few others. However, I knew that he probably had a few tricks up his sleeve to say what they were about if she asked him.

I kept my face straight as I followed Rena's directions. I guess we were going to a park first. Every once in a while, I glanced at Chris in the rearview mirror. He was fucking pissed. Over what? Did Ricky say something that pissed him off? Was he on the phone and somebody pissed him off? It then occurred to me that the entire time, I hadn't heard anything from Emerson due to music. Can't you stay out of my goddamn business and let me go behind someone who deserves every fucking bit of its back? I could practically feel Chris's eyes bruning into the back of my fucking head.

When we got held up at a light, I paid no mind to Three Days Grace's Tell Me Why. Instead, I looked behind me to see that Ricky punched Chris to get him back into reality. He's going to be even more enraged now.The park wasn't far away. The drive was a loud silence that I couldn't deal with.

I watched as we arrived at the least crowded park at the least busy hour. I watched as Rena practically flew into Chris's arms, putting her legs around his torso. I rolled my eyes as he almost instantly grabbed her ass. They shared a quick, possibly passionate five-second kiss. It made me genuinely happy to see her happy for the first time in her fucking life. I still wasn't.

"Rem?" I heard Ricky say.

How long was he trying to get my attention? How long was I thinking about my miserable life?

Rena was finally off of Chris. I was surprised to see Chris was in a good mood. Emerson was staying away from me. He knew that I knew what he did. He also knew I was fucking pissed off, at him and him only.

I cowered a little as I was jerked away from the group.

"You okay?" It was Chris.

"Yeah, why?" I asked cautiously.

"You looked dead," he said, a smile beginning to form. His comment kind of made me laugh.

It just hit me. Was I stupid to just now realize this? He was really fucking pale. Or was it the light? Or was it the make-up? Or was he naturally that pale? I don't know anymore. I just won't question it any further, I guess. Honestly, I'd have to say that the palest person I have known or ever will know is my very own brother, Emerson Barret.

After a short conversation, we went back to Rena. Em and Rick were sitting down on a black bench. Rena was leaning against a tree, finishing a cigarette. She stomped it out. I let a warm smile creep onto my lips as she gave me a friendly hug.

"Who wants to go to the bar!?" Emerson yelled. "Fuck yeah!" Rena, Chris, and I replied. Rena and Chris ran to the car. I shot Ricky a glance, telling him we should both drag our feet to make the rest wait a little longer. I laughed as Emerson picked up Ricky, throwing him in my car. It looked like Ricky and I were the only ones driving there in my car. The rest were getting into Chris's car. I screamed like I was getting fucking murdered when someone gently picked me up, slinging me over their shoulder. It was Chris. I cried out as he tossed me into the front seat of my car.

When I walked in, Chris, Rena, and Em were sitting down at the bar. I tried not to laugh at my already two-drink-in brother. I watched as Ricky was already on a barstool, in between Chris and Rena. I couldn't tell how many drinks Chris had, probably one and a half. I ordered a bottle of Jack Daniels and paid the bartender as soon as he gave me my order.

Within an hour, Ricky was almost the one to drive us home, but that stopped at one more drink, and another, and another. No one was driving. I called Seb. Larissa would drive Chris's car and he would drive mine. We didn't need any wrecks.

When we got home, Rena, Em, and Ricky went to bed. Seb and Larissa went home. I looked over at Chris, who was contently staring at the wall. I watched as he went into Rena's room without saying a fucking word. Was he okay? An hour later, I could not sleep. I went over to the room where Rena and Chris were sleeping. I leaned against the doorframe, just staring at them. I could tell Chris was awake. He had his back to the door as he held Rena firmly. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Are you okay?" I heard Chris quietly whisper through the tense silence.

"I don't fucking know." I replied, making sure to not wake the beautiful girl next to him.

After that, we were silent. I remained where I was and looked at the digital clock on Chris's side of the large bed. It was five in the morning. I stayed staring at the two. I could tell by the look in his eyes that Chris was definitely aggressive and dominant, yet he was also very broken.

"Are you okay?" I inquired, not only to him, but also to myself and Rena.

And before I received an answer from anyone at all, I left. I fucking left and didn't get a wink of fucking sleep.

× A/N: There's a little look on Remington's thoughts. So...who needs to be set straight here, Chris or Remington? And also, is there anything that anybody wants to happen here? Let me know any of your thoughts on this in the comment section! And remember, I'm always open for comments anytime! ×

Synthetic Love † A Chris Motionless FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now