ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 05: ɴᴇᴡ ʜᴇʟʟ

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Chris's POV

I walked out of our room after another night without sleep. We were getting ready to go over to my home instead of Rena's. Last night, Rem had asked me if I was okay. I wondered if he knew anything. All I knew was that the answer was no. I kept a straight face as I looked at Remington sprawled out on the counter, whip cream covering his face. It was actually kind of cute. He was just lying there. I assumed he was probably waiting for Rena to grab a rag or paper towel.

Within minutes, Rena was in the room, wiping his creamed face off with a wet rag, an unmistakable grin on her beautiful face. I smiled at how happy she was. "I fucking love you." I said in a low voice once, once I was right next to her. She laughed as I gently nipped her ear.

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Remington rolling his eyes. I scoffed at him and went outside for a minute.

"You were supposed to save me from myself." The bass of a car radiated throughout the parking lot as Ricky's BMW pulled into a parking space. I frowned at the memory. Sinematic. Instead, after two years of a relationship that shouldn't have been, she just walked away. Maybe I had been wrong at first when writing Sinematic. That relationship was a terrible mistake and there were many other ways that wouldn't have led to that bitch doing what she did. I may have been the problem, but she could've at least told me she was leaving.

I smiled as the small guitarist approached me, a look of question on his face. "Didn't know you left this morning, or liked the song." I spoke, hugging him tightly.

Not necessarily, my radio was turned up from listening to HIM and it ended up in my shuffle. I didn't bother messing with the volume though. " He explained, seemingly feeling bad for it.

I looked at my phone to see someone had texted me. Someone I never thought I'd hear from again. I smiled at the contact name, vividly remembering I had never removed the heart beside her name. I never would.

Morgan: Hey, I'm in town. Want to talk at the bar?

Ignoring Ricky, I typed up a response.

Me: Fuck yeah. Meet at 10?

Morgan: Yea. C'ya @ 10

I smiled and went inside, Ricky following very closely behind me. I went over to my gorgeous girl and picked her up. "Hey, I'm meeting someone at ten. Is that okay?" I asked. "Where at?" She asked, spinning around so her legs were wrapped around my midsection. I put my hands firmly on her ass, so she had no chance of falling. I let out a long sigh, "The bar." I said, giving her a rough kiss.

I heard Remington clear his throat.

I searched the room and spotted Remington. I put Rena down on the couch right next to him. I slowly climbed over her, kissing her again. I laughed as Remington slapped me, alerting me to quit. I smiled, knowing I had achieved my goal of annoying him.

I looked at the time. "Wanna go out and get something to eat?" I asked her. She nodded, "Remington is coming." She stated I nodded instead of saying 'okay'. We all went out to Rena's car, since everyone else didn't have enough gas to be able to do that and go to my place. I also needed enough gas for the bar and back. As soon as she started the car, Com Pt. II played loudly.

"I won't make you beg, so just get down on your knees and tell me you need me and that you're dying to please" I sang along to the specific part, earning a playful smack in the face from Rena.

I kept my face straight as another song began. On the way, we listened to The Black by Asking Alexandria, Paranoid by Palaye Royale, Hey You by Disturbed, and Car Crash by Three Days Grace.

I softly laughed as we started reminding Remington about the other night. He had been drunkly making out with some stripper, and before it got too far, she had told him she was a man. I remembered how we had all been laughing our asses off. That was a good night of fun. I smiled lightly as we pulled up to my home. I looked at the time; it was nine fifty-five. I didn't grab my phone as I left; I probably wouldn't need it.

Rena's POV

I frowned as Chris left. I was tired. I carefully climbed into Remington's lap, laying my head on his chest.

When I woke up, I heard a gunshot in the living room. I ran in there to see that Remington was dead, and Chris was standing over his lifeless body. A smirk on his face. There was blood everywhere. Fucking everywhere.

I screamed.

I shot up, clinging to Remington tightly. It was five in the morning.

Chris wasn't home.

"Hey, are you okay?" Remington asked, holding me firmly.

"Just a really bad nightmare."

Remington's POV

I carefully set Rena down in Chris's bedroom. I left the room, shutting the door ever so gently. I looked at the time. It was fucking sven thrity and the asshole wasn't back yet. What the fuck was he doing? I frowned and went outside as soon as I saw dimmed headlights coming down the street, pulling into the driveway silently. He'd been gone for hours.

"Where the fuck were you?" I said violently as soon as he came out of the car. He was covered in sweat and smelled of something. I knew the smell all too well. "Did you fucking cheat on her?" I asked. "Fuck no." He spat. "Then why the hell do you smell like-" I was cut off once his fist connected with my face and I was harshly slammed down onto the hood of his black car. I squirmed, feeling his tight grip on the back of my neck.

I stopped squirming once I felt his grip get heavier, indicating he was leaning down. I could feel his hot breath on the very back of my ear. "Don't fucking assume. I wouldn't do that to her. I'd think you'd fucking know that." He spat. I then knew how fucking close he was. I felt him lift himself off of me and go inside. I frowned and tried going inside. Fucker locked it.

I went over to his bedroom window and watched him carefully until he saw me. I threatened to knock on it. That'd wake Rena up. He wouldn't want that, would he? He went around the front and let me in.

Emerson's POV

I leant down and petted Pepper. I had snuck her into the house, not knowing if Chris would let her here or not. He let Fester here, surely he'd let Pepper in. I looked down again. Shit. I looked at the time; it was six in the morning. I ran around the room to see if the door was cracked. Fuck. I ran out of my room and checked everywhere but Chris's room. I walked in to see Pepper licking his face, trying to wake him up. How the hell did she get on that fucking bed? It was too tall for her.

I heard a groan, signaling Chris was awake.

"Hey, cutie." He greeted my small dog.

I sighed in relief.

"Is this your dog?" He asked, sitting up.

"Yes," I replied, watching as he got up, gingerly carrying the small dog and handing her to me. "Thank you." I said. He just grunted in reply and went into the living room, picking up my unconscious brother and going down the hallway, putting him in a guest bed. That's nice of him. I watched him carefully as he grabbed a Jack Daniels from the refrigerator. Interesting.

Ricky's POV

I smiled as I saw who was calling me. Jaime. I answered it. "Hey, where are you?" She asked, sounding a little worried. "At Chris's, I'm going to get some breakfast. I'll call you back." I said "Okay, bye, love you." She said, sounding enlightened. "You too." And with that, I hung up.

I walked into the living room. Chris and Em were drunk. This early? No thanks.

I looked over at the wall to see quite a few pictures of Chris and Gaia, but only a few had Chris and Sabrina. I frowned when I saw a picture of Chris and Aerial. If she hadn't died, they'd probably still be together. She loved Chris more than anyone ever could. He treated her the same way. They had seen every single side of each other. Hell, she had seen sides of Chris I never knew existed. And then she was brutally and mercilessly murdered.

It messed him up, badly.

A/N: What do ya'll think? Sory this was kinda short. Next chapter we're gonna see what happened to Aerial:)

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