ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 06: ᴏᴜʀ ᴍᴀʟɪᴄᴇ

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Chris's POV

† 2008, New Year's  †  

Tonight was already going really fucking great. We were at a friend named Eric's New Year's party. Not even two minutes ago, Aerial had said yes. There was now a beautiful ring on her finger that matched her fucking perfectly. I was now talking with Eric. It was nearly eleven fifty. In five minutes, I'd find Aerial and be by her side the second that it became 2009.

I heard a scream.

I heard a fucking bloodcurdling scream that I fucking knew bleonged to my dear contempress, Aerial.

I was then pinned to the outside wall of the home by two strong, built men as I heard my name screamed and cried multiple times. I then knew that my fighting, screaming at the top of my lungs, and yelling at them wouldn't do a fucking godamn thing. It was fucking useless. I was fucking useless.

Instead of continuing the useless actions that were exhausting me, I allowed myself to cry. Not fight, but fucking cry. I couldn't do anything. I just hoped for her to either die within the next few seconds or for them to just fucking stop right now.

Hours went by.

It finally stopped.

I turned my head to the side, feeling their grip finally fucking release. I heard a vehicle skid away. I was going to fucking bury them the minute I saw them again. I looked behind me. The sun was barely out. The fucking sun. That lasted all night? I immediately, but almost apprehensively, ran inside. The metallic scent of blood automatically fills the room.

I looked in the middle of the room to see Aerial's pale, lifeless body with nothing but a thin, white, bloodstained sheet covering it. I dropped down beside her on my knees, looking to see that her hand was open, the ring ; her ring lying in it. I could hear loud sirens in the distance. I could still hear her screaming and crying for help. No one came to help her to save her. They had all ran. And I should've been the one that was there for her. I wasn't, I couldn't have been.

She died so young in the worst way possible. I carefully picked up the ring that was lying in her hand and held it tightly. I examined my hands; her blood was all over the place, including on my hands. I then heard someone yelling at me. I didn't listen. I tried to ignore them, but someone kneeled in front of me, a young woman asking softly, "Sir, are you okay?" She asked for the fifth time, I think. I then heard other voices, "Did you see who did this?" "You need to step back." "What happened?" "Who was this?" "Who are you?" "Get the body out of here!" "Geez. "It looks like she's not even thirty." "Fucking hell." "Sir, you need to move." "Aerial Dannsen. She's fucking gone. I fucking love her. " I finally spoke, barely above a whisper. I couldn't have said love with a 'd' on the end. It would've been a massive lie. I'll always love her. Always.

† 2022, Present Time †

I stared at the cement, cracked headstone. They actually put her under Cerulli, because everyone knew she would've wanted that. I averted my gaze to the small, weathered, and rusted box that had always laid beside her headstone from the very moment that it had been put there. I then walked back over to Rem's car. He had actually been nice enough to drive me here since my fucking car was out of fucking gas. I got into the passenger's seat and shut my eyes, trying to get my mind off of the horrid memory.

I cried silently, making sure Remington didn't hear or see me. I looked at my tattooed hands that were shaking. For a second, I could've sworn they were covered in blood. In her blood. I shut my eyes tighter, hearing Redeemer playing over the radio. I could feel the car stopping at a stop light. Before it went green, I managed to choke out to Remington, "I'll fucking walk." I got out of the car and turned onto a certain street, the wrong street.

I walked and walked, and soon, after an errand, I arrived back at my home. I walked in, and Rena immediately hugged me tightly. I didn't hug back. I let my arms drape at my side. "You okay?" Rena asked me, her face full of concern. "Of course I am, love. Just tired, okay?" I said, giving her a soft and gentle kiss, something I haven't done in forever. Other than Aerial, I can't even fucking remember the last time I was gentle with anyone. And when I say anyone, I mean fucking anyone.

Remington's POV

It was currently one in the morning. Chris had gotten home five minutes ago, and he hadn't come out of the bathroom since. I could hear water running, so I assumed he was just taking a quick shower. I grabbed some vodka from the fridge and poured a glass. I had gotten to my fifth glass as I watched as Chris came out of the bathroom. He was wearing just some sweatpants and a BOTDF tee that clinged tightly to his arms. "If you don't mind me asking, who were you seeing at the graveyard?" I had finally mustered the courage to ask.

He pointed to a picture that was hung on the wall. It stood out. All the other pictures of him and some other girls had white modern looking frames. This one had an onyx elder looking frame. I had briefly noticed the picture before, but hadn't paid any attention to it. "Aerial Dannsen." "She died that night," he said, sounding like he wasn't here. I hummed in response, still thinking. She looked really familiar. Her name was too familiar. I don't know anymore.

I then noticed that the year at the bottom, engraved in barely visible silver, read, '2008 - New Year's'. He looked like he had just come out of the Infamous photoshoot. That wasn't his look then. He looked much different in 2008, unless I'm thinking of the wrong year. I shrugged it off as he grabbed a glass of whiskey from the fridge.

When I woke up, I was fucking hungover as fuck. I looked at an open bottle of painkillers and grabbed about five. I took them quickly and sat back down, turning on Edward Scissorhands while waiting for the rest of the family to be up and about the house.

Emerson's POV

I sighed as I sat down on the couch. It seemed like I could stop worrying about Pepper. Chris actually seemed to really like her. I looked over at Remington and rolled my eyes. Wasted this early? Fucker. I smiled over at the drawing on Rena's wall. I finished it last night while Remington and Chris were talking. I don't think they knew I was there.

I remember that they had ended up talking about certain things. I also learned things about Chris that I don't think I shouldn't have. I watched as Rena climbed into Chris's lap, sitting down and paying attention to the news. The headline that had gained my interest. "A man was brutally murdered in his own home last night. There aren't any suspects at hand at the moment." The burnette girl said as the TV was turned to Netflix. I looked across the couch as Chris searched for The Office on Netflix and set it for the most recent season's play through.

Rem looked bothered. "Are you okay?" Rena asked softly. "Yeah, the guy that got murdered, Nate, was a really good friend of mine." He spoke quietly. "He could've deserved it. No one would just go out and murder someone like that and not know who they are, what they've done, etc." Chris almost immediately snapped. I sat back as the two argued. Nice, another argument.

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