ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 08: ᴍʏ ɢʀᴀᴠᴇ ᴍɪsᴛᴀᴋᴇ

16 3 10

And the hardest part of this is showing you all the damage that you've caused.

Chris's POV

Remington had been avoiding me at all costs. Why? I'd rather not explain. There were also now an ass ton of people staying at my home. It was fine by me though. Although Shy was one of the worst people I had met,

"Anyone want to go to Mickey Gannon's?" Talitha's voice rang from the kitchen. I smiled at the idea. MG's was one of the best clubs I had been to down here in Scranton. "Fuck yeah!" Everyone all yelled in unison. "I'll hang back, sorry. Y'all have fun." I said, faking a smile. While the others went to get ready, Rena went over to me. "Want me to hang back?" She asked, looking innocent. Yeah, fucking right. "Only if you're not planning on walking tomorrow," I growled lowly in her ear.

I watched as everyone was slowly beginning to be ready, all but Rem. My jaw clenched out of impatience not even one second before Rem came out. He actually looked really good. He had on his customized leather jacket with the same harness and pants as in the music video for Punching Bag. I watched as everyone slowly filed out to go to the bar, with Remington slowly going last. He knew I was growing impatient. Asshole. I smirked as he walked out the door. I went over and locked it.

Remington's POV

We pulled up at the bar, and I suddenly felt highly uneasy. What the fuck is going on? I watched a girl who looked about five or six walk past me. She seemed oddly familiar. I shrugged it off and ordered a Gin and tonic. A few drinks in, I went ahead and started scrolling through my phone. I shoved my phone in my back pocket and quickly alerted Em and the rest that I was going to head home.

I walked for about twenty minutes before opening the door to Chris's home and being greeted by two small hyper dogs, Pepper and Fester. It was three in the morning, so I went to the guest bedroom I was staying in. It was across from Chris and Rena's room, so I went ahead and peeked in there. Rena was already sound asleep as Chris just lay there staring at the ceiling and ignoring me. The sheets barely covered either of them. I left the room, fighting the urge to gag due to their bedroom having a very strong smell of sex to it.

I went into my room, still having a fair view of their bedroom. I just stared at their doorway, seeing what they were doing. I blushed when I made eye contact with Chris. I wonder what he thinks about me now.

When I woke up, I lay in bed for a good five minutes before going into Chris and Rena's room. "Wake up or I shall remove the sheet." "Twenty seconds." I stated Now, I had seen Rena naked. Chris, on the other hand, was different. I heard some shifting around, but not much at all. I turned around to see Chris had only put on his boxers and went back to sleep. A lazy asshole "Why won't you get up?" I asked, tugging at his ankle in an attempt to drag him out of bed. "It's comfortable." He shrugged. I looked at his phone, checking his messages. There wasn't anything too interesting, so I left it alone.

After a few minutes of begging, Chris had finally gotten up. Rena was currently getting dressed. I sat back and looked over at Chris, who was staring intently at the wall. He looked like he was completely drowned out by his thoughts.

Rena's POV

I walked out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. I was having a very hard time walking as Chris had promised. I frowned once I saw Chris lost in thought. The look in his eyes told me it wasn't the best thought. I sat down next to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "You okay?" I asked, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"I miss her." He mumbled with his face buried in my hair. Something was telling me that he didn't used to be messed up by her death, but it seems he still is. "I'm so sorry. You maybe want to go to her grave later?" I didn't even know if she had one. I assumed she did. I didn't even know if it would help him. "Yeah, I'd really fucking love that." He said, after a moment of silence, kissing my head.

After a while of arguing, Chris ended up winning, so we ended up watching Fifty Shades of Grey. After a long while, the movie was over. "You want to go?" I asked. With quite a bit of hesitation, Chris nodded, biting his lip. He grabbed the keys to his car and went outside. He put the keys in the ignition and we were met with the sound of a roaring engine. I grabbed my phone and connected it to the car's Bluetooth system and played the whole album of MCID by Highley Suspect.

We pulled up to a graveyard fast enough to where I couldn't see what graveyard it was. I followed behind Chris as he walked all the way to the back row. He stopped at a plot that read 'Aerial Cerulli 1987–2008'. I averted my gaze to a small box, remembering Rick had said she had been his fiancée. They probably went ahead and put her last name as Cerulli. I watched Chris closely as he stood there, just staring down at the cracked headstone. I wonder how that got there. I went over and leaned against his side, gently using the tip of my finger to wipe the coming tears away. He turned his attention to me and gently kissed me.

"Did you realize it was raining? It's been raining for a while now." I asked, grasping his attention once again. After a long time, we headed out to the car and went back to Chris's home. It was about midnight now, so we headed to bed.

Chris's POV

I let out a heavy sigh as I slipped under the thin sheet. For once in a long time, I knew I'd finally be able to sleep tonight. Emerson and Shy had gotten a hotel for the night, so everyone wasn't as wound up.

When I awoke, I immediately regretted not sleeping. I slipped on my 570 tank-top and some black skinny jeans. I halfway jogged into the living room to hear everyone playing guess-the-song. I looked over at my TV, which had YouTube pulled up. "Who wants to choose?" Rem asked. "I will," I said, gently grabbing the remote from Rem. I laughed lightly as everyone closed their eyes so they couldn't see what was coming up.

Since the guys were familiar with Post Malone, I pulled up a cover by Halocene of Love/Hate Letter To Alcohol. I paused the song and yelled loudly, "Anyone that's been on our tour bus isn't allowed to guess this one for a reason!" I yelled, earning multiple frustrated groans.

I laughed and played the song, fastforwarding it a bit so it could be a little more recognizable. "You're the reason that I got my ass kicked, but you're the only way to drown my sadness." Addie Nicole's voice rang throughout the home, "Love/Hate Letter To Alcohol!" Rem yelled. After that, we just yelled random lines and someone would reply with the song they came from.

I walked outside, watching rather contently as cars passed by. I frowned once I felt arms wrap around me. "Hey." Rena greeted For a moment, she tried to put her chin on my shoulder, but my height prevented it. The rest were going to stay at Ricky's, so Rena and I could spend a lot more time together, alone.

I sat down on the couch and let out a heavy sigh. Everyone but Rena and I were leaving. My ears perked up as the door was opened, followed by Remington walking through it and sitting down.

"Chris, we need to fucking talk."

A/N: Most of this was a filler. Btw, srry 4 the cliffhanger (Not rlly). What do you think Rem wanted to talk about? Why do you think Rem was avoiding Chris? And I'd like to mention, the chapter name as a lot to do w/ the talk. Lemme know in the comments.

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