short story (part 1)

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This is CUTIE PIE:

Kuea Kirati: Coming from old money family with his great-great-grandfather had title similar to a Lord or Knife... so his mother was a Lady and owned several great pieces of land in Bangkok. His dad was a Thai high-ranging ambassador in Europe... They commonly traded ambassadors around every few years. During this storyline, his dad is in Vienna, Austria.

He was using his mother's last name Kirati because that's how the inheriting-line can be passed on his mom's side of the family.

His family was among high-profile society. He had the good name, titled mother, well-mannered, money, look and great reputation last name among the old money.

Kuea's grandfather engaged Lian to Lady Kavarin's child since before she was married because he wanted to be connected with the Wongs... he genuinely loved the Wongs since when they didn't have money.
When Kuea was born as a boy, his grandfather wanted to keep the engagement regardless. He loved and trusted Lian and his family... they made 'heart' promise. His gut told him that Lian was the one for Kuea.

We will learn throughout the story that Kuea was extremely popular. Many hi-society families were ready to pursue his hand if the engagement to Wang family ended. Anyone would want to be related to Kirati family. He was popular in school and company where he did his internship. Also, he was in a very high demand as Kirin

Lian / Kilain Wong: Coming from poor Chinese immigrant family. His father worked for Kuea's grandfather's silk fabric company. He was trusted, loved and advanced to be the general manager. Mr. Wong, 40, married his mom who was much younger and her family owned a small ice factory. His father quit the GM job to work with his wife after the marriage. His family started doing welled after Lian was born.

Even after leaving the silk company GM job, their families were in touch. They saw each other weekly and treated it like a church day... Wang family dressed up in their Sunday-best for their weekly visit at the Kirati mansion. They love each other. Their moms were very close. After Kuea was born, Kuea's grandfather decided to keep the engagement and the Wongs agreed.
They all were ecstatic to have their 2 families combined... They only loved and trusted one another... it was the 'heart'-promise, they felt.
Lian's family has borrowed millions of dollars from Kuea's grandfather during their beverage business expansion was underfunded. Lian's family always felt in debt to the Kiratis and will always do anything for them.

Wong family was doing very well now financially. They own a leading alcohol & beverages company and Pentagon pub. Lian was about to buy in to the Gemini bar where Kirin loved to play. Gemini was described to be a small rooftop bar and not profitable when Lian brought in... he only did that so Kuea had a space to be Kirin.

Lian & Kuea loved each other as long as they know it... They were 7 years apart. Kuea moved to attend a boarding school in England
Kuea & Lian loved each other but they "mis-communicate" a lot.

Kuea was trying his best to be angelic like all his life... his old money + ambassador family position put him in an absolutely neat, well-mannered and soft-spoken image... Lian thought that's how Kuea is... Kuea thought that's how he should be to be suitable to Lian, who was a perfectionist in Kuea's eye.
He thought that's what Lian wanted... Kuea deeply loved Lian and lived his life with one final destination... to marry Lian/Kilian Wong.

Lian was doing something in the same manner. He thought Kuea was so neat & flawless and he had to try his best to be immaculate in all aspect to be perfectly matched up to Kuea. He truly loved Kuea since he was 7 and Kuea was a baby. Lian thought Kuea was that cutest no matter what Kuea did.
He lived his life planning to fit himself with sweet/innocence Kuea... Lian worked so hard to have money so Kuea can be hi-society housewife like his mother... he thought that what Kuea wanted. His fear was to embarrass Kuea... Chinese immigrant was viewed as rough + Kuea's family was his dad's boss... marrying the boss' kid deemed to be viewed as an 'over-reach' regardless. He had to try extremely hard to be 'good enough' in the view of the society.

While keeping up with the charade. Kuea built up wall to cover his secret loves of Auto Engineer (dirty job), superbike (inappropriate), and drumming (and inappropriate). He had a secret house to hind those. His mom & dad were in Austria...his grandpa passed away... so he was alone in the mansion. The mansion that he was hardly there. He spent most of his time in his safe house.

Apparently, Lian and Kuea are more alike than they thought...
Lian loved supercar while Kuea loved superbike. They like dark, raw concert walls & naked closets for their houses... Kuea loved Lian's house.

They both over-dressed for each other because they thought that what the other like. They loved the same music (Indy).. that's what got Lian to start looking for Kirin in the first place. Lian had good ear when it came to music. He was following Channel Kirin, a Youtube channel that had close to 1M followers.

Lian was there when Kuea played at the Gemini bar for the first time. Lian was frequent there for 5 years before Kuea moved back to Thailand.

He was there for the music... He had to make a stiff face when Jay excitedly told him about Kirin, his new hiring... if he said he was interested in hiring Kirin also, Jay would not be opened to him about Kirin's info.

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