short story ( part 4)

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                                 Part 4

Lian made the move by arranging for Kuea to come live with him… Kuea’s mom agreed while his dad didn’t aware… and Lian now show his talkative personality… playboy like, flirty… shameless when talking to Kuea… that’s how he actually was… He was doing his best to sell himself… that’s how he put it.

Needless to say, it worked! They are mellowing along that path of getting to understand each other and letting out secrets.

Lian decided to invite Kuea to his friend get together/drinking party at his Pentagon pub.

Lian didn’t want to do so prior because he was afraid that Kuea would know that he wasn’t a quiet guy… things that his friends would tell Kuea… he decided that it is time for Kuea to know + he didn’t want to tarnish Kuea family good reputation by bending that rule + Kuea was now 20 and can legally be in a pub & drink.  

20 is the legal age for that in Thailand.

Yi lured Kuea into playing the spinning bottle game.
Yi cheated, of course! Kuea, who already loved drinking, got really drunk and kissed Lian in the open in front of all his friends… Lian thought that was funny.

Lian took Kuea home and they slept together.

Kuea was drunk and too physically flirty… Lian lost control because he already had a foundation to see everything Kuea did was so cute.

After that night, Lian was addicted to be around Kuea
. He moved up the plan to take his parents to talk about dowry and wedding plan with Kuea’s parents in Vienna that summer, instead of after Kuea’s graduation which was 2 years from then.


While they lived together, Kuea learned that his family financial aspect was somewhat in serious trouble.

His grandfather and his mom have transferred/sold everything to be in Lian’s name

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