short story (part2)

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                               Part 2


So he was so mad to see Kuea under disguised as Kirin... Lian recognized Kuea of course. He nearly broke the glass in his hand... He just dropped off sweet Kuea Kirati at the mansion, called to say good night, went back home to change and now Lian was watching cheerful Kuea on the stage drumming it away.

Before this Lian thought he gave Keua room to be teenager. He thought Kuea was a sweet / one-dimension person as shown to him. He never double-checked.

After that, Lian started a serious investigation on Kuea. When there was a secret about Kirin, Lian could only guess that there were more.

Lian then knew about the superbike and that Kuea has a secret house because Kuea was hardly at the mansion... His PIs couldn't get the location of the safe house because Keua usually went there on the superbike and he managed to loose the tail without knowing that he was being followed

Lian felt betrayed when he saw Kirin, he felt mistrust.... although he was also pretending... hypocrite LoL! ... he never told Kuea about his super-cars, racing that he loved to do for fun and love for Indy music. Lian kept that for over a year while he grew slightly cold, uncomfortable and apart from Kuea.

Kuea got drunk for the 2nd night in a roll after his first attempt to break off the engagement and ended up revealing the safe house. That night, they kissed and Lian learned that Kuea really loved him... and that gave him the confidence to change his strategy in pursuing Kuea aggressively... His original thought was to wait until Kuea was a bit older.

Kuea was so drunk and he thought he has kissed a stranger that looked very much like Lian... He didn't want to believe that Lian could be in screen t-shirt and cut-off jeans.

Lian started to understand Kuea better after that night... he as well got very nervous that Kuea would break off the engagement... Breaking up was the last thing he wanted... His parents would kill him and he loved Kuea and wanted the marriage himself... He didn't have a back-up plan.

Lian was now learning to love Kuea as an adult, even-though it was more like a puppy-love before... they both were processing that.

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