Chapter 3

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"I am here to help." The Kree said.

"Is that why you attacked me, Kree?" Sif asked.

I was watching from another screen as Sif and Coulson interrogated him. "You were the one who attacked. I had to take your memory to keep you from tracking me." The Kree said.

"How did you track me?" The Kree asked.

Sif slammed her hands down on the table. "You do not ask the questions, Kree. You do not talk." She ordered.

"Actually we need him to talk." Coulson said.

"Look, I-I can prove that that I'm not a threat and that I'm here to help. Bring me my truncheon." The Kree said.

"How very Kree. He needs a weapon to make a point." Sif said. Wow, she's just as hostile as Thor is when he's angry.

"My truncheon can restore her memory. Would that not be a-a gesture of my noble intentions?" The Kree suggested.

"I'll consider it once we know that thing does what you say it does." Sif said.

"Do you have a name?" Coulson asked.

"Vin-tak. And I will earn your trust." Vin-tak answered.

"Sure ya will." I muttered to myself.


"It's possible that only he can operate it." I said thoughtfully as we discussed the possibility of letting Vin-tak use his truncheon. It really is a funny word, like a mix between trojan or something like that...

"We've seen other alien materials react to biology or DNA." May said.

"Don't remind me." Skye said.

"Or me." Mach added.

"We've all been there, done that. Fitz and Simmons will examine the case. If this guy's telling the truth, we might finally get the answers we've been searching for." Coulson said.

"In the meantime, why don't we talk to the guy some more. Maybe let him use the thing." I suggested.

"We'll see. We're gonna talk to him, letting him use the truncheon though, that's not likely." Coulson said.

We walked to a different room and May went and got Vin-tak. Once we got there Sif went into hostile Asgardian mode again, which is actually kind of funny to watch. "Tell us how the truncheon works, Kree." She ordered.

"The Kree has a name. And that only works when in my hand." Vin-tak said annoyed.

"That's convenient." I said.

"It has a-a dial on the bottom." Vin-tak explained, then he grabbed it. I jumped forward as he hit Sif with it. Once he was done he quickly dropped and backed away.

"Seriously?" Skye and I asked.

"Sorry. The argument was going nowhere." Vin-tak said.

"You back with us?" Coulson asked Sif.

"Yes. My memories have returned. I am Lady Sif of Asgard, friend of the SHIELD." Sif said.

"Ohh! Asgardian well, that explains a lot." Vin-tak said.

"It is true. We do not trust Kree, that is why I am here. When Heimdall saw that one landed on your world, Odin charged me with retrieving him." Sif explained.

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