Chapter 11

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"Fury..." I said as I watched a helicarrier rise into the air.

"Nice, right? Pulled her out of mothballs with a couple of old friends." Fury said, I could just hear the smirk in his voice. "She's dusty but she'll do."

Steve chuckled. "Fury, you son of a bitch." I smacked his arm. Hard.

"Oh, you kiss your wife with that mouth?"

"He's not gonna if he keeps this up."

I watched smiling as the lifeboats came over. "This is Shield?" Pietro asked.

"This is what Shield's supposed to be." Bell answered.

"This is not so bad."

Steve and I shared a look as I ran back into the building. "Lets load them up." We started bringing people out as the ships came, problem was there were some angry Ultron robots heading our way. I was about to start doubting when Rhodey showed up. 

The boat was almost full when Steve grabbed my arm. "You're getting on that boat."

I ripped my arm from his grasp. "I am not leaving without you."

"Come on guys! Not again." Bell said over the coms.

"You are going on that boat."

"I am not and that is final. Remember when we made our vows? For better or for worse? Well I'm not leaving you."

"I doubt that counts when you're on a city that floating hundreds of feet off the ground."

"I am not leaving you!"

"Yes you are!"

"I love you, I am not leaving you!"

"I love you too, but you have to!"

"Steven Grant Roger! I am not leaving you!"

Steve and I had a glaring contest, and I won. "Fine, but if you fall off the city again..."

I smiled and kissed him quickly. "Thor will grab me, and then put me on the helicarrier where I will wait anxiously for your return." Steve rolled his eyes and we started to herd people onto the boats. 

The majority of the team got people onto the boats in waves. We had a lot of people evacuated, but there were still a lot more to go. "Lady, I got it, create a heat seal. I can supercharge the spiral from below." Tony said over the coms.

"If you have Thor blow it, then that should work if we're far enough away from the ground. But you have to wait until we're all evacuated."  

"Friday's running the numbers." Tony told me.

"A heat seal could work with enough power." I said.

"Thor, I got a plan." 

"We're out of time." Thor responded. "They are coming for the core."

Steve and I shared a worried look. "Rhodey, get the rest of the people on board that carrier."

"On it."

"Avengers, time to work for a living." Tony said.

Steve glared at me. "You are not going."

I shrugged and looked over to Pietro. "Can I have a lift?"

"Adelaide Bethany!" Steve shouted, but I was gone.

"Thanks." I said as he dropped me off at the core.

"Never do that again." Steve said as he came in.

I smiled. "As long as you never use my middle name again."

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