Chapter 26

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"So, is there a reason you both are here? Especially, since one of you is supposed to be dead?" I asked giving Thor and Loki a deadly look. 

"I went home to warn my father about Ragnarok, and instead of finding Odin, I found my brother posing as Odin," Thor said simply.

My eyes widened, "excuse me? How could your people not notice that their ruler went from being the worst father who bad mouths his children to that?"

"Hey!" Loki objected when I pointed at him.

"You are nothing like your father, just as bad really, just not in the same way," I said.

"I'll have you know that they loved me," Loki huffed sure.

"Sure," I said sarcastically as we stopped walking. "Where are we? Because this looks like a construction site."

"I left him right here," Loki said.

"You mean on the pavement outside, or actually in the building currently being demolished?" I demanded crossly. 

"How was I supposed to know? I can't see into the future, I'm not a witch!" Loki said angrily. 

"Well, you're dressed like one," Thor said and I laughed. 

"He acts like one," I added.

"Why do you hate me so much?" Loki demanded.

"Maybe it's because you blew up New York City? Or maybe because you faked your death, again!" I told him. "Or better yet, you took me away from my kids on Halloween."

"Perhaps there is another reason," Thor mused.

"What?" I asked.

"Thor," Loki warned.

"Are you and the Captain expecting again?" Thor asked.

"Why would you ask that?" I asked.

"Well, you seem moody and you've put on some weight," Thor said.

"Excuse me!"

"Makes perfect sense if you are expecting," Thor concluded.

"Perhaps her age is finally catching up with her," Loki suggested.

"Why you little-horned demon," I said glaring at him as two girls ran up to take a picture with Thor. When they left I turned on the blondie, "and you! Just because I am wearing baggy clothing does not mean I am pregnant!"

"Touchy," Loki sang.

"Why are you so annoying?" I asked him.

"Why are you performing magic?" Thor asked next as a gold circle formed around Loki's feet.

"That's not me," Loki said and then he fell through the ground.

Thor bent down and picked up a card, "what on earth just happened."

I looked at the card and rolled my eyes, "of course he gets involved."



"So, Earth has wizards now, huh?" Thor asked Dr. Steven Strange.

"Tea?" Dr. Strange asked.

"I don't drink tea," Thor said.

"Tea?" He asked turning to me.

"That would be wonderful, thank you," I said and a cup appeared in front of me.

"So, what do you drink?" Strange asked turning back to Thor.

"Not tea," Thor said and then a glass of beer appeared in his hand.

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