34) 7 minutes (fluff)

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It was a normal Friday night for 19 year olds...a party. I kinda really didn't want to go but Eddie thought it would be fun to terrorise some straight people. No one knew about me and Eddie being together however pretty much anyone with eyes could see that we were gay.

We turned up to the party and it was so crowded and honestly I hated it. Me and Eddie stayed together the whole time rarely leaving each other's side. However the one time he did leave to go to the bathroom, the one and only Steve Harrington came up to me. This guy had always been so clingy and I swear he would never leave me alone. He was nice and all but I never really liked the random flirting that he did. How could a 'straight' man like Steve be so awkward and unattractive around gay men? No offence to him but maybe he'd be more attractive if he didn't say weird, random, awkward and creepy things when trying to flirt while not being outed.

"Hey y/n!" Steve said hanging way too long on the 'hey'.
"Hello, What do you want steve?" I said bored and wanting to leave already.
"Just wanted to say that we're gonna play 7 minutes in heaven inside and I wanted you to play! Not in a weird way! Like you might have fun or I don't know... maybe." He kept stumbling and stuttering his words. Eddie then came back and I hooked my arm in his thinking that Steve would take the hint but he said, "Eddie could join too if he wanted! I don't mind, well it's not my game but..."
"Just shut up, we'll play." I stopped him. If I didn't stop him he'd probably say something dumb and I'd die of second hand embarrassment.

I let go of Eddie and we walked inside to see loads of people in a circle. Fait being fait, obviously when it was spun it landed on me and Steve. I swear to god he seems to always find a way to get me alone. We were in the closet and Immediately he went in for a kiss.
"Whoa! Steve what the fuck?" I stopped him abruptly, very confused and uncomfortable.
"What? I thought you were gay?" Steve said with innocent eyes just as confused.
"I am but not for you. Did you not see me and Eddie outside?"
"Yes and what about it?"
"I can't tell if you're kidding or just being dumb..." he stayed silent. "Okay you can't tell anyone but me and Eddie are to..."
"Together! Eddie? Really? I didn't think he was your type."
"Yes he is and we are very happy together." I got slightly defensive.
"no that's good for you! I should've known and I'm happy for you." Steve smiled genuinely.
"You're not so bad when you're not flirting with me."
"Thank you?"
"No I mean it nicely."
That's when all of a sudden the door opened and We stepped out. I guess that was the start of a new friendship.

Anyway, I went back to Eddie and he seemed to be a little jealous of me and Steve being alone together so instead of continuing to play I took Eddie to the bathroom. He walked in after me closing the door behind him and I pushed him against the counter by his hips and started kissing him. "Did you enjoy you're time with Steve?" Eddie said between kisses. I stopped and told him "we did nothing trust me he's not my type and why would I down grade from my beautiful boyfriend?" I wanted to clear things up before his mind got tainted by jealousy.
"That's very adorable, now can we have our time in heaven?" Eddie said trying to be seductive but it sounded like he was gonna murder me. I ignored it seeing as he was all I wanted right now. Me, him, kissing in a bathroom! How beautiful. As I kissed him my hands locked in his hair just how he liked and deepened the kiss. Eddie's hands on my waist were so gentle and he made me feel precious like if he squeezed too hard he'd break me.

To be fair... I'd let him.

The rest of the night me just kissed, cuddled and flirted. How could I not he's just so pretty and I couldn't help myself. Clearly neither could he seeing as he gave back as much if not more than I was giving.

God he's perfect.

Word count: 761
This was a request from a while ago but I finally got around to it :) hope it's good enough! Sorry for the Steve slander at the start I'm so sorry and felt really bad writing it :( SORRY STEVE!!!!

Eddie Munson x Male reader One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now