✧chapter 2

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You were training with your sword slicing objects your little sister threw at you. "In 3...2..1! " S/N shouted as she threw a watermelon at you, you sliced it into four pieces.

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Name: S/N
S/N quirk is similar to her older sister F/N angel. Her devil is on her left side of her shoulder, her power gives her strength,carry, climb, break and speed. ||✦
(I'm such a idiot! I forgot to mention that you guys have to feed your angel and devil, almonds so you guys to have that bag thingy around your waist- idk the name! 💀✋)

You pulled your angel and gave it some almonds then pressed it back on your shoulder. "Ready for some combat? " you asked S/N with a smirk on your face she smirked at you and you took that as a 'yes' or in my language 'fuck yeah! '.

Your sister started running towards you and you jumped over kicking in her in the back knocking her into the ground in full speed,you heard a groan in pain but she got up and pulled her devil out placing it on her legs then she came running towards again but at 10x speed making it hard for you to even notice her.


S/N kicked you in the stomach making you couch up some blood but you didn't stop yet you pulled out my angel holding it at angle turning it into a sword you broke into two swords but it was much smaller. S/N picked up a metal pole that was laying on the ground you two charged at each other attacking one another. In a flash of eye your sister's long curly hair was chopped off now the half hair of that got chopped,fell to the ground in a slow motion leaving the both of y'all staring at each other.

Your sister touched her now short hair and blinked a few times. "I-im so sorry! S/N i-i didn't mea-" your sister cut you off by hugging you. "yassssss! thank you! thank you! "

Your pov ::

S/N hugged me tightly to the point I stopped breathing. "Can't b-beathh" (can't breathe) "o-oh! I'm so sorry! " S/N said as she let go of me I sucked in a large breathe as I was taking deep breaths. "So... Why were y-... you thanking me for? " I asked her in between breaths. "Oh for cutting my hair" S/N said with a smile on her face leaving me processing. "oh ok.. " I walked away slowly.

The next day ::

I was woken up by my alarm ringing loudly, I groaned angrily as I got up slowly rubbing my eyes opening them slowly allowing them to adjust to the sunlight shining through my window. 'It's too early.. ' I thought to myself as I walked to my bathroom I walked over to the sink washing my face thoroughly then brushing my teeth (whatever morning routine you guys do just do that) I walked over to my closet grabbing my outwork clothes. I quickly got dress and run down stairs into the kitchen grabbing a water bottle and putting a piece of toast into my mouth and checking my phone. 'I have enough time.' I swallowed the piece of toast I bit and shouted goodbye to everyone in the house then getting few responses "bye! " "good luck! " "bye sweetheart! " I grabbed my shoes by the door quickly putting them on and running out the door,slamming it behind. 'If I jog for 10 minutes then after I run to the school with the remaining tim-' I didn't see where I was running and I ran into someone causing myself to fall down hard. "Argh! I'm sorry! I didn't see where I was going and i ran into you by accident-" "SHUT THE FUCK UP EXTR-" 'wait... he sounds familiar' I looked up to find a pair of crimson red eyes staring deeply into my e/c ones. " I-its you from that café " he said angrily as he groaned. I gotten up and dusted my myself off. "Yeah no shot Sherlock it's me" I said with a groan." whatever you're just extra, tch " the angry ash-blond tched as he stuffed his hands into his pockets and stormed away. ' What a hothead '

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