✧chapter 3

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Your pov✦

I was feeling confident before I arrived at UA but the minute I arrived my confident died on me now I'm feeling nervous and anxiety started kicking in.

I took deep breath and walked into school gates. I was busy looking for my classroom 1-A.it was still early so the hallways were quiet and dark I was using my phone flashlight to help me. After what felt like a forever I finally found my classroom I opened the door and walked inside the dark room looking around I closed the door behind me I walked to the corner of the room by the window and placed my bag on the desk I sat down into cold seat and layed my head on the desk with my arms covering my face i slowly closed my eyes slowly falling asleep.

I was woken up by loud voices around me and I groaned I lifted my head from my desk slowly opening my eyes allowing them to adjust to the lighting around them the minute my e/c eyes were open the whole room went quiet and it felt like everyone was staring at me my anxiety kicked in again I wanted a hole to open up and swallow me'alexa! Find the nearest hole by me! ' I thought to myself and a pink skinned female ran over to me with a red hair and blonde behind. "Omg! You're so pretty! " the pinkette squeal as she smiled at me I gave a shy smile causing her to squeal more. "Don't mind her" the red hair said while rubbing the back of his neck. "It's f-fine! I'm L/N F/N but y'all can call me Y/N" I mentally facepalm myself. "Elijrou Kirishima! " the red hair smiled showing his teeth 'he looks a cute shark.. Snarky! 'She smiled to yourself. "I'm mina ashido! " the pinkette smiled boldy and you looked over the Blondie. "Denki Kaminari" the blonde smiled at you. "YOU'RE SO CUTE Y/N" mina said loudly and you looked at the red hair for help. "Mina you're making the poor girl uncomfortable. " kirishima said while rubbing the back of his neck again mina looked at you then pouted. "Ohh! I'm sorry y/n I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable it just you so precious" you smiled and nodded "it's fine mina" as i and my newly made friends were busy chatting the door opened and i saw a yellow sleeping bag crawl onto the my home room desk then revealed man with Raven black hair and sleep deprived eyes and a cream white scarf and I realized it eraser head the third pro hero. "It took y'all 0.8 seconds to settle down y'all better improve" Aizawa exclaimed and everyone sweat dropped. "Now I want y'all to get into your gym clothes and meet me on the field for a physical test-" then a girl with brown hair raised her hand up. "Uhm- sensei weren't we having a orientation? " sensei looked at the brown hair dead in the eyes. "Are you the teacher now? " he asked her and she slowly looked away.

Second person's pov✦

You busy changing into your gym fit until you felt a person's hand tap your shoulder and you turned on your heel to find a girl with short purple hair and plugs hanging from her ears. "Hey I'm jirou (I fricking forgot her last nameeee!! Ahskenbevsjendns I'm literally shitting tears now) you looked at her then smiled. " F/N L/N but you can call me Y/N"she returned your smile. "Omg! Y/N your body suites you so well!! " mina said and few other girls agreed with her you blushed in embarrassment and rubbed the back of your neck. "O-oh haha thanks guys! Y'all bodies fit your gym clothes lovely! " you complimented them all. "Aww you're so precious! Can I marry you?? " mina asked while holding your hand and you felt your face turn red and all girls started laughing. "Relax girl! You making the poor child flustered! " jirou said while wrapping her arm around your shoulder mina pouted and looked at you. "I-its fine jirou.. And yes I'll marry you mina" you agreed and mina squealed making the girls to laugh again.

Once you finished changing you walked out to the field and stood next to kirishima and denki. "Has you guys started yet? " you asked hoping that you weren't late. "Nah" kirishima replied and you looked over to sensei. Once everyone was here and done changing Aizawa walked over to y'all. "Hmm.. Bakugou what was your score for the ball throw in your last school? " Aizawa asked and you looked to see who he was talking to and you saw it was none other then the ash-blonde hot head you met few times before. "I think it was 72.8" bakugou said after a moment. "Okay, i want to use your quirk this time. Aizawa threw a ball at him bakugou caught it with one arm' not gonna lie that was impressive.. 'You thought to yourself. Bakugou walked into the circle (wherever they stood for this episode!) He stared down at the ball and he rounded his arm a bit then he shouted" DIEEEEEE! "As he threw the ball into the air with a explosive boasting it implement(I honestly don't know! I need a editor! Someone call me a editor please!) 'Huh.. So his quirk is explosives'

After testing everyone. " okay up next is.. L/N F/N! "Aizawa said as he read from his clipboard. 'It is me already?! Ahhh fuck.. Fuck.. Send help! 'You thought as you walked to the circle and Aizawa threw the ball to you you caught it with both hands. 'Ok I can do this! ' you took a deep breath and called your angel out but instead of your angel a devil come out and you looked shocked. " what the heck are you doing here?! Where's daktou?! "You whisper-shouted at your sister's devil. " S/N asked daktou and me to switch so we swiped places. "You were pissed off but had no choice so you placed your sister's devil on your arms and you looked at the ball you spined(this a word??) Your arm then you threw the ball into sky till you saw nothing you looked over to your sensei and he showed you and your class your score. " 93.9! "The class said in a unison.

Time skip by my lazy ass that still needs a editor.

Your pov✦

I was so exhausted I overused myself and felt like I could faint at any moment. " hey Y/N-are you ok? You seem tired.. "I looked up and saw my red hair friend looking at me with worried eyes and i smiled. " I'm fine just a bit tired but fine"i said as i grabbed my bag and threw it over my shoulder. "I can walk you home? If you want tho" his question caught me off guard and i looked at him again I wanted to say no but his worried eyes showed so much care. "Sure.. I would like that" I said I grabbed his wrist and we both walked out of class. "H-hey F/N! " I heard a familiar voice call out my name I stopped and turned on my heels and saw a familiar fluffy green hair and I instantly smiled after recognizing who called me. "Izu-kun! " I said I let go of kirishima wrist and ran to izuku. "Omg! Izuku it's has been so long! " i pulled him into tight hug. "I-i missed you too F/N-kun" i let go of him kirishima walked over towards us. "So this is who you ran to? " kirishima said as he dramatically placed his hand on his heart acting hurt I giggled. "Yeah sorry kiri it just that izu-kun is my first friend I made during the entrance exam" I smiled as I remembered that day and looked up at kirishima seeing making a 'o' shape understanding why I ran off suddenly out of nowhere I felt dizzy and fall onto the ground. "Y/N! " kirishima shouted as I was about to say something everything went black.


Word count : 1 377!

Thanks for reading this shit of story! I enjoyed writing this chapter but I honestly need a editor! Like bruh💀if one of y'all want to be my editor please dm me on my Instagram @it._.loot_.bish . _
That's all for now guys! But again thank you for reading!

❝𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐦? ❞ || 𝐊𝐚𝐭𝐬𝐮𝐤𝐢 & 𝐈𝐳𝐮𝐤𝐮 𝐱 (𝐘/𝐍) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora