2 Sides of A Coin

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After hours of fighting, with a range from black and white halos everywhere and fireballs to knives, guns and vines. Each side fought without resentment.

By now, the mystics hiding were already in the war. It was indeed a war for the fittest. The only thing now was that members of both sides had a lot of tactics and skill.

"Come on! Alert them!" RM alerted Han, but when he turned, he noticed a dusty fog coming straight at them accompanied by loud foot stomps.

"They're already here!" Han screamed back while dodging a hit from Audrey and Sauda.

Suddenly, batches of arrows were shot towards them supposedly without aim. "What's going on hyung?!" Said Jeongin.

"Your back up is trying to kill us! And by us I mean all of us!" Cheryl said walking backwards slowly while dodging the arrows. "That's not possible!" Said Taehyung.

"I see you prefer death, I'm out!" Nicki said as Audrey followed. They joined Cheryl, and now Beryl in walking back up hill. "Dude you've got to come with us if you want to make it!" Ava yelled to them.

"We can't trust you!" Jungkook said. "Well seems you can trust them! Prague'll never change. I'm sure they just wanted y'all dead!"

Reality slowly hit them, especially RM. That's why Kai was so sure they wouldn't return. He couldn't believe this. A country he fought so much for, but for what reason.

"Listen hun, reality's a bitch but so is life and we can't do anything  about both. But what we can do now is run! And we should!" Said Armani.

Now they were all ruining. As they continued to run through up hill the forest, jumping obstacles of huge rocks and broken tree trunks, Olivia said, "If we continue like this, we'll lead them right to our hideout! We need to divert or something!"

"Alright I got this! Sauda, Brooke, Cleo, cock your guns, Delilah get ready with a Big One! Cheryl lead em back!" Yelled Beryl.

Cheryl nodded and grabbed Yeji's hand, "Come on! They're a bit too close for comfort!"

They all ran while the rest stayed behind. With their guns, they fired guns nonstop at the coming soldiers. When they ran out of bullets, Brooke nodded to Delilah as they ran leaving her a little behind.

"Night night." She whispered to herself. Her eyes once again glowed bright grey as she conjured up a massive black hot halo. She carried it for some seconds and once they werd close enough she threw it at them.

They a fell back unconscious, continuously rolling down the hilly forest. Bodies of soldiers were all rolling down towards the outskirts of Prague. That was the impact of her hit.

It was so powerful that Cheryl fell down while running from the vibration. Almost rolling down to, Jungkook caught her and pulled her. She stared at him still running and mouthed a 'thanks'.

Still feeling the effect of the vibration, they all stopped and held onto trees to avoid falling. When it finally stopped, Beryl, Brooke, Cleo and Sauda had reached their spot.

After releasing the trees and an unsure moment of silence, Nicki yelled, "Baaabe! You good?!" Another long moment of silence was felt until they heard a cry. It was Delilah.

"Del, Del are you okay?" Beryl asked worried. "Yes!" She replied still coming up and crying. "Then what's the problem?!" "I'm hungry!!"

Beryl had a 'really?' expression on her face and Nicki and Ava just face palmed. Cheryl snorted then she noticed her figure smiling in the fog. Her dimples very visible.

"Then I'm called heartless." Nicki said continuing her journey to their hideout house. Beryl smiled at her. "You'll never change will you?" "Not anytime soon. But a bigger question, what do we do with them?"

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