In The Middle Of The Night

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"Huh. Where am I?"

"Ugh, what is that light?"

"Am I dead?"

As I slowly gained consciousness, I looked to the source of the light. The moon.

Wow. I'm still alive, I guess. As I tried to sit up, I felt something slightly restricting my neck. Bandages. Even my clothes were changed.

 Even my clothes were changed

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But how'd I make it back... Wait Taehyung! Oh goddess, is he OK? The rain last night was quite bad.

I'm hungry,...and thirsty. She stepped down from the bed with difficulty and stepped on something wet. Cucumber. Must've fallen when I woke up she thought.

She waddled to the bathroom to wash her face. Afterwards, she went down to eat.

"There's no food." She searched the pots on the counter but they were all clean. "Maybe the fridge?"

In the fridge there was a container filled with cold kimbap, ramen cups, tomatoes, mustard, mayonnaise, bread, a packet of cheese, 2 small plates of tater tots she kept the day before and sausages and packs of frozen beef.

There was also bottles of soda, half bucket of vanilla ice cream, bottles of milk, banana milk and chocolate milk. 2 bottles of vodka, 2 bottles of wine and a huge bottle of Orange and pineapple juice each. Then the rest was just water.

She opened the cupboard and there were 3 carton of Lays chips, 2 of Doritos, biscuits and cereal.

"I think I'll just make a sandwich and have my tater tots with it." She said leaning of the table counter for more balance support.

"Why is my leg so weak this night? This is annoying." She brought bread, a tomato, cheese, mustard and the small lettuce that she found. While she was making it.....


Ugh fuck this fever! Taehyung was surprisingly able to fall asleep for most of the night. But now his nose was clogged. Even the menthol scent he used was doing nothing.

Adding to his nose situation, a stomach problem came up. Hunger. "How nice." He murmured as she stood and went to the bathroom to wash his face.

His hair kept getting in the way of the water frustrating him even more. "Come on, not you too hair." When he finally finished washing his face, he dried it and went down.

"The lights on. Whose in the kitchen?" He went down quickly and peeped. Cheryl. She must be hungry.

He watched her struggle to walk while getting the ingredients for her sandwich. When she wanted to put the mustard, she accidentally knocked it over. She tried to get it and fell down instead.

"Hold on I'll help." He came to her and lifted her up to the table counter. "Hold on Taehyung, I'm hungry..." "And I'll make the food, I'm hungry too." He said with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2022 ⏰

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