Question After Question 10

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Hi, thank you for keep reading my very first fanfiction. Please support and leave some comments! Have a nice day! I love you! xoxo


"They sure don't believe it, right?"

"At first yeah, but we saw your social media already so they started to believe it."

"They saw, what?"

"Your social media. Y/n, right? You put your hometown there, where you live, where you work, so it was easy to find."

"You're a stalker."

"I was curious to see your face. But poor me, I couldn't see your face. It was all blurry. And it was only me." I could sense his bitter smile behind that blurry face. "You're so wrong when you said you're no one's favourite. Actually, you are my favourite."

May day! May day! I didn't know how to react! Should I say thank you? Or really? Or Omg? I was not used to compliments!

"My best friend, Svenja, knew it also since first."

He smiled. "So how did she react?"

"She went crazy."

We both laughed. Svenja's face suddenly popped up in my head and it made my laughter even worse.

"It was amazingly boring here without you. More than two months I waited for you. I was so ready to tell you about my new track, my days, our concert, cute ARMY in fan meeting, clumsy Namjoon and everything. But as I saw you again, I was happy. I found what I was looking for. My favorite! I thought you were dead!"

"Oh no, I'm sorry to make you worry." My heart ached. The first sincere guy I've ever met and I just left him and busy on my own problem. "I couldn't sleep, so that's why.."

"I know. You're here. So, you're not allowed to disappear again." I wanted to see him in real life and just be with him no matter how long. Every time I came to this room, I was always nervous that I would suddenly wake up.

"I missed you." He said. Honestly I could feel my heart hurt but I was also happy at the same time that finally someone paid attention to my presence. He really made me feel special. He really did and no doubt about that. I wish I could do the same to him. I was on my own mind until I realized he was covering his mouth with his hands. He looked so surprise.

"What? Is something behind me?"

He shook his head I could literally see his hairs were waving telling me how hard he shook his head.

"I can see you much better! I can see you way better! You have big round eyes! Oh my, I love your black hair. I can see your hair very clearly!"

He was in awe. No one ever told me about my eyes. I didn't even realize that I had big round eyes. Well, my grandma told me once. But that was it.


He nodded like a puppy. I liked him. I liked him so much. "I'm so happy I can see you very well! After a year!"

I smiled seeing him smiled. "Actually, I didn't realize how much I missed you too until I saw you laying on the bed by yourself. I didn't know you were waiting for me and of course I would love to hear your new tracks and all of your stories! I'm sorry, I was-" My heart skipped. My whole body stunned.

Sweet Dreams | Y/n x Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now