Question After Question 12

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I love youu!

Have a nice day xoxo

Was it because we said that we missed each other? Whatever it was, I was definitely on the seventh cloud. Nothing could describe how happy I was. We did it! We've been waiting for a year, worked for it together and we did it!

"Let's meet up in real life. Come to Seoul." I said.

I felt the urge inside me. I needed to see her. Now I knew it would work. It wouldn't be nonsense to meet her if we could see each other clearly. To meet her in Germany would be very hard since we had not so many holidays for the next few months. I could invite her to Korea if she wanted to. I would love to take care of everything she needed.

"I don't think it's a good idea. You told me you want to have privacy. Why don't we just continue to meet her every time we sleep?"

"I don't want to be limited by time. I want to bring you to my favourite coffee shop, watch movies, listen to music, take a walk with my dog, I want to introduce to other members, many things. I don't want us to just stuck in this place when there are many places we can travel together." I didn't worry about anything that would come up if people know that we saw each other. I wanted her.

"Yoongi," she said Yoongi?

"Please know that you make me feel so much better. I feel so special around you. I'm so happy with your offer to meet up in real life, but I don't want to be a burden for you." She was a people pleaser and I hated it. I could sense she was being taken advantage of.

"I asked you it means I'm ready for whatever the consequence is. Please... other members would love to meet you." It would chaos. They would tell her about my sleeping habit or anything. BTS is BTS anyway. But still, I knew all of them would respect her as a part of them too.

"I will pay." Definitely I was going to do that.

"No, no, no worries. I'll figure it out. No need to think about it-"

"You're the one who shouldn't think about it. Tell me your phone number, so we can text each other because I need your personal data."

She told me her number and thankfully it wasn't really hard. I was sure I could remember it when I woke up.

"My cheeks are getting warm." I saw it before she mentioned it. She was too cute. I couldn't help but laughing. I was laughing because never in my life I met a girl who are cute but a fighter as well. How lucky I was!

"Why are you so innocent?"

"I'm not gonna hide it. I'm very nervous to meet all of you in real life. Even only to think about it I have stomach ache already."

"I think this is the longest conversation we've ever had. I'm worried we'll never meet again in this dream again." I looked at her because I could feel the time to wake up was coming. I never thought I would meet a woman like her. Just an ordinary woman from nowhere and we met in a dream. It was wild and unimaginable.

"I think so."

"I can't wait to see you in real life." She was smiling shyly. Very cute, gentle and beaming. I missed her already. I would definitely call her as soon as I woke up.

Sweet Dreams | Y/n x Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now