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The scene was mesmerising. Moving object with mortals inside. A bustling city even more than Mondstadt. There were mythical creatures everywhere like half human half dog creatures. They also all summoned elemental energy without visions.

"This must be an upgraded Celestia!!" Venti whisper yelled like a child. He turned around to prove his point to his friends but he was met with a peculiar sight. Both Zhongli and Ei looked younger! Around Ventis forms age. Venti immediately went up to the two measuring himself against each of them only to come back pouting after reaching the conclusion he was still shorter.

Zhongli looked around. Breath taken by the scenery surrounding him. This definitely wasnt a place you would find in Teyvat. They couldnt get found out here. Zhongli turned to face his colleagues and said "I believe it would be best if we use our aliases here. This is certaintly not Teyvat. It would not be wise if we called eachother our names." Zhongli stated.

Then he took in Ei appearance. "My! Ei you look younger!" Zhongli exclaimed in utter shock. Eis response was simple "Have you had a look at yourself?" Zhongli looked down only to notice he was closer to the ground. He was shorter. He turned to Venti "Bar- I mean Venti you dont look any diffrent." They both turned towards Venti. "Well I guess we all turned to around my form age? I am not quite sure.." Venti said. Atleast they still looked the same just shorter. If they fully changed appearance it would be hard to remember.

They decided to explore. They got many strange looks from everyone. They heard mutters about their attire from passing civilians. Though the 3 were confused as their choice of clothing wasnt quite common either. The 3 also learnt alot whilst wandering. Like not to wonder infront of passing objects called cars on a thing called a road. Venti got his foot run over by one. Hes been keeping a far distance from cars since then. The place seemed very diverse to them. There were many diffrent types of elemental energys instead of just seven. Also nobody seemed to wear a vision. This version of Celestia was truly something diffrent.

Also turns out Mora is not a currency here. When Zhongli started talking about his 'wallet full of mora *cough* Childe *cough* that he left at home' he got some strange looks. Luckily enough archons dont get hungry so they didnt need to purchase food with some currency called Yan or something. Sadly though, since they now were all 16 ,and they never needed verification back home, getting wine became a real task. They would have stolen some if it wasnt for a big crowd of people surrounding some red winged guy just outside the place that smelled like wine which they assumed was a tavern. And can you blame them for thinking about stealing? They were desperate ok!?

It was one of those rare times where Venti wished Diluc was at the tavern because he knew he wouldn't question him. Even if it ment he would probably get chucked out harshly or burnt.

Zhongli looked over to Ei who always seemed to keep her composure looking for a voice of reason yet she looked worse than ever. She hadnt had her morning wine. She wasnt as heavy of a drinker as the other two but she still needed her morning wine!

However it wasnt long after that until Venti alcoholic senses kicked in. It was around 9PM at the time and they were elated when Venti told them about his discovery. They almost looked as if they were high. They ran around the corner to some dark alleyway where they were met with a single street light and the smell of alcohol. That's all they needed to find the tavern.

When they entered a seemingly abandoned building they were met with a very cosy inside. There was warm lighting and cheers. Zhongli knocked on the door to grab the people that were insides attention since he was the most formal. The people inside summoned elemental energy upon hearing the sudden noise until Venti intervened. It was good timing to because the people inside seemed both shocked and enraged. Well the archons understood the shocked part since this place was mostly hidden. It would be surprising to get customers in such a place. Although they didnt get the enraged part but the 3 just shrugged it off.

"Hello good sirs and woman. Please calm down were only here for some wine." Venti exclaimed cheerfully. The other looked confused yet still wary. However one of there men that looked sorta loked like an abyss herald went behind the counter. The 3 didnt question the familiarity due to being so wine deprived. The abyss herald thing poured each of them a regular wine. None of them complained at the cheapness since they were so desperate. The abyss herald told them to leave the money on the counter once they were done and went to sit back down.

The 3 turned to looked at eachother. Pure panic on their faces. They didnt have the currency that the people took here. Yet alone Mora. The most common currency to them. They turned to make sure none of the seemingly agitated looking weirdos noticed them. Once they were sure the coast was clear they booked it. But they still made sure to take some extra wine with them first. It was hard to get wine served to them in this place ok?

They made it half way down the alleyway until they heard commotion behind them. They knew they couldnt keep running or they would drag the fight to the streets and that would surely ruin their reputation. They had to fight here. Venti gathered the wine from the other two and put it gently on the ground out of the way out of the fight so they didnt get damaged. You could say that their pride didnt exist and all that was left of it was wine. But they didnt care. They still believed they had such immense pride that could trample anything.

Venti ran back to the other two. And decided to take a look at who they were facing. The abyss herald from before was seemingly absent. There were only three people they were facing. Some highschool looking girl who's was blushing immensely which creeped the archons out. Some crusty dude who seemed to have an itch or something at the back of his head that he couldnt reach. Ei felt bad for the man. Having an itch you couldnt reach was truly the worst form of torture. And finaly some emo guy that had seemed to have stapled skin to himself? Or maybe his own skin? Who knows? Anyways they  looked like rabid animals. Each smiling weirdly and stood in weird stances. "They look like those 3 weird besties that would always have cheeto dust on their clothes" the archons thought.

It wasnt soon after analysing their appearances that blue fire came flying towards them. And that blushing maniac came running at them with a knife in her hand. Luckily Zhongli put a shield up just in time because both Ei and Venti were distracted. Venti soon summoned a black hole. Ei infused electro with Venti anemo to knock them out. The archons couldnt kill here. It wasnt their territory. That's one of the rules of the archons.

Luckily the black hole caught each of them and Ei infused enough electro with it to knock them out and not kill them. It was hard to not go overboard sometimes for them. They also had a tendency to forget how much power they used and destoryed a few things. Zhongli sighed dragging the other two with him before backup came.

They walked out onto the streets only to be met with someone with strange blue attire and a device that had voices coming out of it and a badge on his chest. He also had a weird looking cat head that creeped all 3 of them out. They would of run if they didnt see mythical creatures like him earlier whilst walking along the street.

(Hope you enjoy and let me know if you did! It would be greatly appreciated.)

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