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"3 bottles remain." Zhongli said stiffly, "We must only have one bottles today and bring one on the trip. The last bottle needs to be for emergency purposes only." 

They packed one bottle into Zhonglis suitcase because everyone in 1A saw him as trustworthy somehow. They had barely been here for 2 weeks. Nobody trusted Venti because apparently he was to childish and nobody dared to approach Ei as she was to scary. They would also probably get caught having by getting it out on the plane or something stupid. Zhongli was the most responsible out of the three so the matter wasn't argued about for long.

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Gotta go fast! Plane will leave without us if we dawdle for to long." Venti exclaimed cheerfully.

"Its a private plane you drunkard it wont leave till we all get there." Ei replied sternly.

"You cant say much!" Venti retorted angrily.

Venti then remember the dodoco communication device. Luckily he remembered. If Alice called and he didn't pick up he would surely be screwed by time he got home.

They eventually got everything together. Honestly they didn't have much. Also it turns out Venti stole a grumpy cat plushie from the shops without anyone noticing claiming that that it reminded him of Xiao. Zhongli silently wondered how his son- the adeptus put up with this annoying bard.

They made their way to the common room. They were not last luckily so they weren't holding anyone up. They were still waiting on Mina and Aoyama. Also a boy named Mineta was crying in the corner as he was not allowed to come. Sato decided whilst they waited to eat cake and he magically pulled one out of thin air. 

Eventually the other two came down and Mina started arguing with everyone about how they didn't save her a slice of cake. Bakugo was about to blow her face of because she was so loud but luckily Kirishima held him back.

Finally, Sensei Aizawa led them all out of the building to the airport. They were all directed into a plane which was apparently another way of transportation. It was very spacious and looked quite expensive. Like Jade Chamber expensive.

They will be away for a week. The flight was around a day long so they would spend 5 days there. At least they are missing lessons. The archons had only particpated in a few lessons but it was safe to say they hated it.

The archons all found seats and started talking about their nations problems. You could almost mistake it as them boasting by the tone they were talking in. It was like "mY nAtiONs HaS mORe pROBleMs thAn YoUrS lol get wrecked loser." type of tone.

Then somehow that evolved to them watching movies on a device called a tablet of the back of one of the plane chairs and saying how bad the plot lines was and trash talking the acting. But in all their standards were pretty high. They haven't seen many actor besides Yun Jin who was an opera singer but she was an absolutely amazing actor so their standards were quite high.

Then it turned into Venti boasting and then sobbing about his boyfriend and how he missed him. But then he got distracted by being challenged to a music competition by Jirou and a few others. He didn't know half the instruments so he just choose flute. They also learnt bards weren't common here so he didn't add a story to it incase it was classed as weird. It was very hard to resist the temptation. He nearly failed multiple times. 

His opponents were Bakugo, who played the drums who knows how that got on the plane or even fit, Jirou,  a guitar player, and Momo who was surprisingly an amazing clarinet player. In the end Jirou one. It wasn't surprising. Ventis music didn't seem to be common around here or even remotely heard of. Many were curious about his play style and songs and asked questions but he just told a few jokes and laughed them off. Who knew he could do something smart and not draw to much attention.

It was getting late and on the plane they had a small area with a few bean bags and a TV. They decided to have a story time. Some opted out *cough* Bakugo and Ei *cough* because it was apparently to childish. Storys ranged from fantasy's to horror. Venti has a very fun time telling a few stories of Mondstadt history. Zhongli didn't mind the occasion either. He educated people on Liyues history that even people of Liyue didn't know and called it a 'made up story from a friend'.

Finally the students fell asleep and the two archons made their way over the main seats where Ei was. They got onto the tablets and started to watch movies. They all seemed to like the Despicable Me movies. They also found something called the Spongebob movie which had a charcater that looked exactly like that plastic figure Ventis got from his happy meal.

Finally dawn broke free. First thing they were greated with was a grumpy looking Aizawa telling them that it was to early to be watching movies and to go back to sleep. He then proceeded to walk back to wherever he came from and the archons promptly turned the device off in fear of getting caught. 

Ei then whispered to Zhongli "Pass the wine. Its morning and I need my morning wine."

Zhongli declined saying that they needed to save it for emergencys since they were here for a week. If they managed to find some extra somewhere then they could have more. So currently they were on wine rations. And it was clear to say none of the archons were happy about this arrangment.

After another 3 hours or so everybody was up and they arrived. It was just a 20 minute drive to where they would be staying. Once they arrived they were surrounded by vast forest and mountains. Sensei handed over a schedule looking thing and told the class they will have a meeting and training with a pro hero the following day and dont be late. He death glared everyone.

He then walked of to a cabin and told the class that him and a few other teachers will be their and not to call him if needed and do it yourself.

3 Archons In MHAWhere stories live. Discover now