Lumines angry

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"I am here sir. What did you need me for?" A man who looked insanely sleepdeprieved said whilst entering the room.

"I am not to sure myself to be honest. Maybe you should ask these three?" The rodent said gesturing to the three new faces.

"This is a letter for you we believe. If you do not understand the contents please hand it back. We were given very vague details on who this needed to be handed to but we believe it may be you." Lumine said handing over the letter.


"You have got to be kidding me. Please go outside for a minute. I will need to discuss this with principal Nezu." The sleepdepreived man said sighing.

The three walked out, worrying if they got the wrong man and if their cover was completely blown.

"If he is the wrong man and if he dares to utter a word of this to anyone I will get rid of him." Xiao said trying his best to comfort the others. Even if his voice was as scary as it usually was.

A few minutes later the rodent, which they now assumed was Nezu, walked out and gestured for them to come back inside.

"I do not understand the contents of the letter myself as you said it was confidential. However, Aizawa here has had a talk with me about some arrangements that will need to be put in place. We can supply you with an up to 2 week accomodation, although I feel you will be on your way again before that time. Sadly, if you want to use that accomodation you will have to attend school here due to outside threats that want access to anyone who enters the school. Is that ok with you?" Nezu said.

"Yes it is sir. Thankyou for you hospitality." Lumine said.

"What the hell did Alice write in that letter!?" The three of them thought.

"Aizawa will guide you to where you will need to stay. Off you go now!" Nezu exclaimed, cheerfully waving them off.

They made their way down the corridor, staying close to Aizawa in fear of getting lost.

"Are you here to pick those three up?" He said.


"New students. Alice's letter mentioned you wanted to pick the three archons up."

"You would be correct, however we cannot do that currently. May I ask how you know about Alice and the archons?" Lumine said quizzically.

"I do not know what archons are. Me and Alice used to talk awhile back. She messed up on an experiment apparently and ended up here. She taught me a few things about your world, however I cant say I'm knowledgeable about it." He replied.

The three seemed to relax at that. If Alice could trust him, they also could.

"I must add before you get your hopes up. Alice did not find a way to get home. She just disappeared, and now I assume when she disappeared she somehow ended up at home." Aizawa added.

The three assumed that. She wouldnt be going through so much trouble now if she already found a way to get back.

They then entered a separate building. This one contained students. They still had uniforms on and were rushing about.

"Class is cancelled today. Get settled in again quickly. You will be back at class tomorrow." The man said dully.

Students relaxed and turned to the common area.

"Top floor, last room. That's where you will be staying. The three you are looking for are next door." He said, then left.

"I dont think he was the type to get invited to parties." Childe said with a giggle at the end.

Inside the room there were three beds, all accompanied with it's own wardrobe. The wardrobe already contained clothes and a uniform. They changed into casual outfits. They realised when they first appeared that they will attract many stares and attention if they continued wearing their regular clothes. The clothes were around the correct size but not perfect.

"Alright! Off we go next door! If they are not in we will have to go track them down." Lumine yelled.

"Why was she more responsible than the archons?" She thought to herself.

They knocked on the door yet got no response.

"If you dont open this door we will knock it down." Lumine said monotonely.

With that, they heard the lock slide and the door opened.

It was a dump in the room. Venti greeted them and then went back to his bed. He looked drained.

"Ah, hello you three. What do we owe the pleasure?" Zhongli said as if he anticipated this.

"We were tasked with coming to find you." Xiao said annoyed, the stench of cheap wine reaching his nose.

"Xiao!?" Venti yelled, immediately looking like he wasn't completely drained a couple seconds ago.

Venti ran to Xiao knocking him over, whilst chuckling.

One down. Poor Xiao.

"Wheres Ei?" Lumine said breaking the silence Venti had caused by killing Xiao.

"Here." She said exiting, what they assumed, was the bathroom.

"Ah. It's you three. Is Yae with you?" Ei said, still keeping a neutral face.

"Sadly, no. She was supposed to but since the puppet is malfunctioning, she currently is in charge of Inazuma and cannot leave." Lumine said, eyeing Childe angrily. She was still annoyed at the fact that he wasnt supposed to come along but did anyway.

"Hey Mr. Zhongli!" Childe exclaimed, ignoring Lumines glares.

"Hello Childe. Do you have any money on you currently?"

"Ow!" Venti yelled, "What was that for!?"

"Drinking." Xiao said standing up like he hadnt just hit Venti on the head.

Venti looked defeated, yet still clung to Xiao.

"Stop having a momment for a second please. We have something important to say. Remember idiots?" Lumine said, irritated.

"Sorry girlie."

"Anyways... You three fucked up. Due to you, Celestias return is more prominent than is was before. It is becoming harder to keep the civilians under control. With you threes disappearance, vision holders have been trying to evert the crisis by keeping her goons at bay. Without you three in Teyvat, it's become a prime opportunity for Celestia to strike. We were sent here to make sure you three dont fuck up more and keep the goons at bay here since it will be harder for this world to recognise their threat until it's to late." Lumine announced.

"Oops?" Venti replied, awkwardly.

"What do you think?" Xiao said, facing Venti angrily.

"Big oops." Ei added.

All Zhongli could do was sigh.

"Atleast we know why Alice didnt pick up when we tried to communicate."

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