Chapter 14: Second Star to the Right

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Several students from Storybrooke High were gathered around to see what was going to happen between Harry and Ben. Some of them had made bets with each other about who would win and who would lose.

"All right, Harry... It's you and me," Ben said to the pirate teen with strong determination as he held onto Lonnie's sword. "I thought we could settle this like men."

"You think wrong, Crocodile spawn," Harry glared. "I kidnapped you once and my dad said I could hook you once before and I'll do it all over again, especially around your so-called peers," he then gestured all around the other students gathered around with a mocking smirk with his father's sword. "Besides, do you know what this is?" he then asked, referring to his weapon.

"Uh... Your very own pirate sword?" Ben replied, sounding confused as he shrugged a little.

"This is the one and only sword used by my father Captain Hook himself... He used it to slay Rufio." Harry explained darkly and proudly as he grinned at the boy before him.

"Who's Rufio?" Audrey spoke up.

"I'm glad you asked that, my dear princess~" Harry smirked as he reached out and stroked her face a little.

Audrey cringed and grimaced at that as she stepped back over while Lonnie decided to put her arm around the brown-haired girl protectively.

"Rufio was the Lost Boy in Neverland I met when I was very young and ended up there," Harry explained. "They tried to bewitch me and entrance me to make me stay there, but it actually led to something worse... Eventually, my father was able to hear and find me, so he and his crew, especially Uncle and Miss Smee came to my rescue and there was a great battle... Many innocent lives had been taken, but my father took down Rufio to save me."

"Wow." Ben murmured.

"Wow indeed," Harry nodded as he smirked before he began to approach Ben with his sword. "Isn't it amazing what daddies will do for their little boys? It's such a shame your father couldn't do the same for your own brother."

"Stop that. I'm sure my dad had a good reason." Ben snarled and glared.

"Yeah... That he was a coward... Even as The Dark One..." Harry smirked darkly as he lifted up his sword. "All right. Enough idle chitchat. I believe it's time for me to skin myself a crocodile to avenge my father's legacy."

"Wait!" Ben soon cried out.

"Ugh... Now what?" Harry glared as he soon lowered his sword.

"If we can't settle this like men and if I can't forfeit, can't I at least have one last request before you waste me?" Ben soon asked the pirate teen.

"Why should I allow that?" Harry demanded with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, all the evil, great villains grant last requests," Ben defended before he smiled hopefully. "Don't you wanna be a great, evil villain?"

"Well, I've always been an overachiever... Why settle for evil villain when I can be a great evil villain? Especially since I'll be able to succeed where my father before me was forced to fail," Harry smirked. "Very well, but make it quick." he soon demanded.

"I think we should try to make things a little interesting." Ben said.

"Hmm... Keep talking, Beasty Boy~" Harry smirked at that.

"We'll make it a wager," Ben then said once he knew just what he wanted to say to the pirate teen after thinking it over a little at Any Given Sundae even if he was scared to death of losing against Harry as it would probably cost him his life. "If I win, you have to join the group, but not cause any more trouble for the other descendants."

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