Chapter 4

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Gyu couldn't pull into the driveway fast enough, the next morning, that Kate wasn't trying to jump out of the car. They had argued from the moment she told him she had to come back. And there was no way he was allowing her to come back alone. Kate flew into the house with Gyu right on her tail, forgetting their bags. He called to her as she made a beeline for the stairs, "Kate, you're not going up there alone!" She didn't listen. She ran up the stairs as fast as her feet would take her. Gyu cursed under his breath. The trouble Soobin has caused their relationship, and it was only getting worse. He followed up behind her to find Kate opening Soobin's door. Sometimes she just didn't comprehend the danger she was walking into. The room was a total disaster. The window was thrown open. A fan circulated in the corner of his room. And a distraught Soobin sat on the floor marred and cut, rocking back and forth. He was sweating, yet shaking and wrapped in a blanket. Kate went to his aid and dropped to the floor in front of him. She touched his cut hands, "Soobin, I'm here." He stared blankly, lost within himself. She noticed the bloody bandage on his wrist, and tears filled her eyes, "Soobin." She caressed her pale cheek, "Soobin, I'm here. I'm here for you." Gyu leaned against the doorframe, and closed his eyes. It was quite a sad sight to see how fast Soobin has fallen since he had left. It hurt his heart the way his wife coddled to Soobin. He heard a door open and close and saw Kai coming up the hallway. Kai smiled, happy to see his best friend. They fist bumped. Kai glanced into Soobin's room spotting Kate, "Oh, she came." Gyu asked him, "How long has Soobs been like this?" Kai answered sadly, "Since yesterday morning. Tae and I tried to shake him out of it but he wouldn't respond." Gyu questioned, "And Junnie?" Kai shook his head, "Passed out. Still probably sleeping it off." Kate turned tear filled eyes to them, her hands on Soobin's. Even Soobin wasn't responding to her. She turned her attention back to Soobin, brushing his damp bangs from  his forehead, "Soobin, sweetheart, you're burning. But you're trembling. Soobin, please." She caressed his cheek, "Come back to me. I'm here."  A tear glided down her cheek as her eyes lowered to her lap. Gyu turned away, "I can't watch this. It's pathetic. That's my wife, and he's just sucking her in." He left Kai standing there watching the scene play out. His heart went out to Gyu. The secrets these walls held.

Somehow I was lost in the darkness of myself when I saw a beacon of light. I heard Kate's angelic voice. I felt her soothing touch. I was finding my way back. I was no longer frightened or alone. My dark eyes regained their sight, and there in front of me sat my Red.  Her head was lowered, and she was crying. I managed to say in a dry voice, "You left me." I fell face forward into her lap, my arms circling around her waist. I was exhausted. I don't know how long I'd been out of it. All I knew was Kate was here. My sweet Red. I moved in as close as I could. I could feel Kate's green eyes lowered on the top of my head. I could hear her steady heartbeat. I hated being this way. So helpless. So needy. She slowly stroked the outline of my hair, combing it behind my ear. She was the most nurturing person I've ever known. My own mother should she ashamed of herself. Kate had a mother's touch. She was going to be a great mother. A perfect mother. Kate whispered, "Soobin, I'm here. I promise not to leave you again." I held her tighter, "Kate, I need you. I can't do this without you." She rubbed my back, "It's ok, Soobin. We'll figure it out. All that matters right now is that you're all right." I lifted my head peering at her through my eyelashes, "Kate, I'm not all right. I'm starting to hurt myself." Her lips puckered as she laid her thumb over my lips, "Shh...don't talk. Just rest. I'm not going anywhere." I settled my head back down into her lap. Peace. I was at peace. I was safe and secure in the arms of Kate's love. I felt myself finally drifting off to dream. Kate hummed a sweet tune, possibly a lullaby. It put my heart at ease. I could rest without being afraid. My angel was with me. It was like I was wrapped in the warmth of her wings. I heard Kate ask softly as she continued to stroke my hair, "Just how many more dark secrets do you behold?"

Kate turned her head towards the door to find that Gyu was gone. Kai looked at her solemnly, "Has he finally gone to sleep?" She stroked the back of Soobin's head and answered, "Just about. Where's Cookie?" He answered quietly, "I'm not sure. Seeing this was too upsetting for him." She pouted, "It's sad, I know." He stepped into the room, "Kate, I wasn't referring to this. What Soobs is going through is tragic. But I was talking about your relationship with Gyu. This upset him. Seeing you like with him. You're treating Soobs like he's more than just a friend. I know you mean well, but think of Gyu." Maybe you should go find him and talk this out." She felt Soobin's hold on her tighten. He didn't want to let her go. He wanted to stay in this moment forever. Kate stated to him, "Will you go talk to Cookie? I don't want to disturb Soobin right now, and besides I promised I wouldn't leave him alone. I'll talk to Cookie after he wakes up." Kai nodded, "Ok, Kate. Thank you for coming. For helping. I appreciate you for doing this. I know I'm only putting you in the middle again. And I'm sorry for that." She smiled at him, "It's no problem, Kai. I'm happy to help."Kai left the room closing the door quietly behind him. 

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