Chapter 12

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I made the attempt to come downstairs, I found Kate sitting in the living room eating from a pint of mint choco ice cream. Holy crap! If only I could be the spoon, or possibly the coolness that slides down the back of her throat as she swallows. Damn! This is not what I need. There it was. The strain against the fly of my jeans again. I walked in noticing she was alone. She turned her head at the sight of me, and smiled as she pulled the spoon out. "Soobin." I swallowed hard, tucking the tips of my fingers into the front pockets of my jeans. Unsurely I asked, "May I join you?" She patted the cushion next to her, "Sure. Want some?" She offered me some of the ice cream. I sat down slowly, making sure Gyu wasn't lurking around. I eyed the ice cream, her lips, then studied her eyes. Sweet Jesus, I wanted her! When I didn't respond, she trudged the spoon into the ice cream and brought it up to her succulent lips. I gulped, turned the spoon and brought it into my mouth. My lips closed around the spoon, as my eyes watched hers. They widened as I hummed. Was it suddenly hot in here? I know I was crossing the line, and I shouldn't be this close to her. My thoughts were running wild. I wanted bring that sticky sweet mouth of hers to mine, and savor the minty breath. I released the spoon, and handed it back to her. As she dipped the spoon again, I took the ice cream from her, and sat it on the coffee table, "Red, we need to talk." She ate the bite of ice cream, and said around a mouthful, "What about?" It was then I made the move. I would pay for this. I took her face into my hands, and kissed her lips, ice cream and all. It was the sweetest taste of heaven I've ever known. She moaned my name through the kiss. I only pulled her in closer and deepened the kiss. I wasn't out of my head. I knew exactly what I was doing, and I wanted to do it all with her. I wanted her in my lap. All on me. I wanted skin on skin. My tongue touched hers and I thought I was going to come apart. I needed her, and I wanted her to need me. Then the unexpected happened. She pushed away from me forcefully, "Soobin, no," she stated breathlessly, "What about Jen? She likes you." I had to catch my breath. My heart was pounding rapidly against my chest, "What about her, Kate? You're my obsession. You're the one I want. Don't tell me you didn't feel something. When I felt everything." I grabbed her right hand, and placed it over my jumping libido, "Do you feel that? It's all for you. It's always been for you." A look of panic filled her green orbs, "Soobin, don't say that. You don't mean that. I want to help you, I do, but this isn't the way." I kept a hold on her hand and pressed it into my groin, "It can be. I don't care that you're married. It should've been me. I don't care that you're pregnant. It was supposed to be mine. You and I were meant to be, Red. I can't live if living is without you."

She pushed herself off the sofa and walked around the coffee table and faced me. She folded her arms under her well endowed breasts, "Soobin, we've been down this road. And I'm not the one you need." I chewed on the inside part of my cheek, "Kate, I don't want anyone else. I know I have the guys, but they don't know me like you do. They can't relate. Only you know me. The real me inside and out. Only you can tame the beast inside of me. As of right now, I'm ok. But what will happen if I flip and you're not here. How will I get to you? Kate, I need you here with me?" She asked, "Soobin, what are you doing? What are you saying?" She came to me dropping on her legs in front of me. She grasped my hands in hers, "Soobin," she pleaded with intense green eyes, "Why won't you let yourself heal?" I asked not even acknowledging her question, "Kate, don't you ever get lonely...even in your relationship with Gyu?" She shook her head adamantly, "No. If course not. There may be miles and space between Cookie and I, but I never once get lonely because I know he's there and that he loves me. He's a part of me."  I brought her hands to my lips, "Red, you can still get lonely. Time and space makes no difference. It happens everyday. People get lonely in their relationships." She twisted her hands out of mine, "When you love someone, Soobin, there's no room for loneliness. And I love Cookie very much. He's my everything." I curled my upper lip, "Oh, my sweet Red. You could've done so much better." I leaned forward and caressed her flawless cheek, "Just a heads up...Even if I ever find someone new, I'm never giving up on you." Kate pouted to my touch, "Soobin, this can't keep going on. You have to.  All I'll ever be is just your friend." I hissed through gritted teeth, "Woman, we're more than that! Friends don't kiss the way we just did! Shall I prove it to you again?" I moved my hand to the back of her neck, and tugged at the roots of her scalp, causing her chin to lift. Her bottom lip quivered. She pleaded softly, "Soobin, please. You don't want to." I said close to her mouth, "Oh, but I want to. I love the taste of your mouth. What can I do to get you to stay here, stay with me?" My lips moved over hers in a feather like brush. I hissed, "Aw, damn, woman. Why do you resist me so? Just close your eyes and fall into me." She whispered, "Jen, the nurse. I thought you liked her. Think of her. Remember her?" A low groan erupted from the base of my throat, "I do. But she doesn't know me. You do, and I want nothing more than to savor every drop of you." Her green orbs drew me in, "Give her a chance. She wants to know you. She really likes you. She wants you to call her. You still have her number, don't you?" And i did. It was still burning in my back pocket. My focus was on this foxy strawberry blond. The tip of my nose teased hers before my mouth crushed down on her parted lips. I inhaled deeply, and pulled her against me. I had her on her knees between my parted legs. My lips moved with force and reckless abandonment, drinking her love. She wouldn't touch me. I needed her to touch me. Then I felt it, she was finally giving in. Her lips relaxed, and moved with mine. Was there anyway I could persuade her to go upstairs with me? Kate did care about it, and there was an underlying love for me in her heart. Someone from the doorway cleared their throat loudly. I panicked and drew away from kissing my sweet Red. Caught red handed. I directed my eyes and saw my long time friend. Fuck. Tae. Why are people always my killjoy? I fell back against the overstuffed cushions, slumping. I closed my eyes, "Sheesh," and banged a fist on the arm. Tae asked, catching Kate's eye, "Am I interrupting something?" She gave a quick shake of the head, pressing her lips together. Did they still tingle like mine? I scraped up bottom teeth over my lover lip. Yummm.  The very taste of her minty ice cream kiss still lingered. I would finish what we started later.  Kate quickly rose to her feet. Just as she went to walk pass Tae, I happen to notice the twinkle in his eye, and he curled the fingers around her left wrist, and leaned in whispering something in her ear. I didn't like it. This was a first. Was he making a play for her too?

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