Chapter 24

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Once I got Kate away from the studio and into the stairwell, I moved in front of her. She seemed to be in a haze, distant like.  I was very concerned for her. This was not her norm. I got down to eye level and took her flawless face into my hands, "Kit Kate, what the hell was that back there? You know how dangerous he is." She didn't answer. She only stared at me, lost in a moment of time. She was shaking, trembling in my hands. I pleaded in a whisper, "Kate, talk to me. Please come back to me." She blinked, her green eyes finally seeing the light, "Kai, I have to go back. Soobin...he needs me." I licked my bottom lip, "Kate, no. I can't let you do that. Why did you have to mention to him about your dark side? That only lured him in." Tears filled her eyes, and she laid her hands over mine, "Because Kai, he's my dark side. He used to come to my window, seeking me out. He would watch me from the sidewalk." I swallowed hard, breaking out in chills, "Kit Kate, that's creepy." She added, "It was like he was mentally calling me. Like a vampire does when he seeks what he desires." My heart clutched in my chest, "Kate, not this sadistic, vampire talk again. Please I don't think I can handle it. I thought we got passed all this. There's truly no type of human or mind possession." She sighed, removing my hands, "Kai, it's him. It's always been him. I have to go." I grabbed ahold of her hands and brought them to my lips, "Sweetie, think of your love for Gyu. Think of your baby. You love Gyu. We won't tell him about this. Just promise me you'll stay away from Soobs." She shrugged her shoulders, "Remember that summer, Kai. The summer before Cookie." I didn't want to remember. It was a part of my past as well as hers that I had blocked out. I argued with her, pulling her to my chest, "No, Kate. You're perfect." Tears rained down on my face. She pulled away, "Kai, you know as well as I do that I'm a mess. Once you've gone to a place like that it's hard to overcome it." I was in shambles now, "But Kate, you did. You proved that there is life after hell. You're one of the most strongest, most bravest women I know." She held her left arm, and removed her watch, "You see this something a strong person would do? He said if I did this we'd be reunited as one. This is what landed me in that place. You remember? You were there. The day I did it." I took that wrist and brought the scar to my lips and kissed it tenderly, drenching it with my tears. I had to ask, "Did you ever say anything to Gyu? Does he know?" She slowly shook her head, "No. It's so faint now that I saw no reason to." As much as I hated to admit it, I felt as though she needed to say something. Then again, it may drive a wedge between her and Gyu. All the secrets. And to know I carried this burden with her. She's my best friend, and I watched her take the knife to her wrist, and I watched the way her blood trickled down her arm and dripped onto the carpet. She had told me she wanted to be with guy who came to her at night. She yearned for what he had to offer. Even back then it was crazy talk just as much as it is now. I didn't understand it and I still don't today. She found love. She has Gyu. And I don't want her to go back to that dark place again. But it seems Soobin is getting to her...just like before. Until now I never knew he was the guy from the window. At first I thought he was a figment of her delusional imagination. What guy would watch you in the middle of the night from the window. Just watching and waiting. It gives me goosebumps just knowing he's the one. That what she experienced was real. I clutched her to my chest once more, "Kit Kate, this will be our little secret...ok. Gyu cannot find out. He looks up to you so much as it is." She mumbled, fiddling with a loose thread on my shirt, "Kai, Soobin was there the day I was admitted. He was cowering in a corner. I remember walking out of the office and seeing him. He stared at me as though he could see into my soul....and I wasn't scared." I closed my eyes, "Kate, please stop talking." She raised her head, her gorgeous emerald eyes boring into mine, "Kai, I don't want to hurt Cookie, but Soobin needs me now just like he did then...even more so." I didn't want to hear it. The whole truth was coming out. Soobin had been in her life long before Gyu, and he had made his very presence known. Even as I recall that dreadful day in Kate's bedroom, and when they came to take her away, I remember crying myself to sleep, and blaming myself for what she did. I could have prevented it, but it'd happen so fast. Now more than anything...I need to protect Gyu, and keep Kate safe. If her dark side gets out, all hell will come raining down.

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