Chapter 40

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I stood in the distance, out of sight, listening to Soobin discussing my wife with the man in the kitchen. I honestly could not believe my ears. I should have known no matter how many chances I give him he's just not going to give up. Forgiving him is useless because he's determined to break up my marriage. He'll use anyone to see that it happens. Once again I'm broken. I can't protect Kate from here. And who was this man Soobin is talking to, and why is my Kitty Kate the center of their conversation. I had been coming down the stairs from FaceTiming my wife when I noticed the bag on the stairs. I had no idea we had a visitor until I heard his voice. A voice I didn't recognize. And not just anyone was allowed here. People weren't supposed to know our location here in Seoul. There were rules and lines in this business that aren't supposed to be crossed. I, for one, have become a rule breaker since I met Kate. She's also the only one who has ever stayed with us for a short while. I was in all smiles. Our baby was growing and had a strong heartbeat, and on target with development. I missed my love very much, and had to return the day after I flew home with her. We had spent a great night together, and never found her songbook. It had to be here somewhere, but I haven't seen it yet. I'll search for it soon. My smile faded as I drew closer to the kitchen. All I wanted was a bottle of water. I wasn't expecting to hear "But she was mine first. I love her." I almost lost it. I stood there with my arms in front of me wringing my hands. Why was he telling this person he loved my wife. It had to be my Kate. She's all he thinks about. He wants my woman, and I just want peace. We all thought the medication would help. Simmer him down. Yes, it keeps him spaced out, and quiet at times. There's a sense of calm in the house when he's taken it. If he hasn't fallen out, he was on the edge. I slowly walked into the kitchen. My eyes looked up the blond haired male who resembled Soobin. How ironic was that? Two of them. He lifted his chin to me. I just shook my head made my way over to the refrigerator. I didn't know what to say, and I surely didn't want to question him about my wife. I hesitated as I went to open the door. He asked me, "How long has Soobs been like this?" I grimaced and looked at him unsurely. I wanted to ask 'Who are you and why are you here' but I only stood there. My eyes shifted to a dozing Soobin then the beer can on the table. Something in my gut didn't feel right. The blond asked me again. I reached for a water bottle and took a drink. I answered trying to find the right words to say, "For sometime." I walked to the table picking up the empty beer can, "And he's not supposed to be drinking." I traipsed to the trash can mumbling curse words under my breath. This was the last thing we needed. I snapped at him, "Who the fuck are you? Do you have any idea what you've done?! He's sleeping now, but when he awakes so does the monster. He'll be completely unstable and out of control!" Ren drained his glass, "How is this my fault? Shouldn't he know the do's and don't's? All I did was ask him about her?" My gripped tightened on the bottle in my hand. Crushing it, water spewed onto the floor.

He didn't say her name, but my gut told me it was Kate, my wife, he was referring to. I needed to tell him. I needed to set him straight. She's off limits. The last thing I needed was someone else coming after her. But I didn't say anything. I just stood there fuming as the thoughts whirlwind inside my head. The blond haired, Soobin look alike sat there, with his right hand on his face peering at me through his fingers. Honestly, what was with this guy? He made me very uncomfortable. He introduced himself, "I'm Ren. And you are...a mess it appears." Another snartsss just like Soobin. I threw the bottle in the trash harshly, "I don't give a fuck who you are! You shouldn't be here!" He exclaimed, "I can be anywhere I'm welcomed. Soobs asked for my help. I'm here, and that's what I plan to do. But first, I want to understand this." He motioned to his sleeping cousin, "And I think you know why." My eyes narrowed at him, "I might, but that's none of your concern." Soobin mumbled in his sleep. They were slurred, but quite clear to make sense. "Ren, she means everything to me. Help me." I whipped an icy stare at my leader. What the hell?! Shit! This dude was brought in to steal my girl for this basket case! Ren continued to look at me, "And you are?" 'HER husband' I wanted to stress. I was a coward. The words wouldn't form. They were right there on the tip of my tongue. I answered gruffly, "Gyu. Gyu Choi." He nodded, "Aw yes...the cooky one. He used to talk about you a lot. His demise. His competition." I mouthed, 'What the fuck?' I asked, "How do you know all this?" He smirked, "Family talks. I probably know more about you guys than you do your own self. Sad, isn't it? I pity all of you for having to deal with him." He motioned to Soobin. Then he said the most dreadful thing ever, "So you must know Kate."

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