Part 5

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From her window, Mary watched the streams of people flooding in the doors of Bentley Manor. Carriage after carriage rolled up the drive, and men stepped out in fine suits, turning to take a ladies' hand dressed in a magnificent gown. Mary was still in her underclothes, but her hair had been done and rouge was on her cheeks.

If she listened very well, she could hear the small orchestra playing lively music. A murmur of voices and laughter carried up from the window. She pressed her cheek against it, suddenly wishing her mother and sisters were here. Just a few days ago she had been at home with them, an average seventeen-year-old, with not a care in the world. Now she was in Kent, at a ball, and she was about to be announced as the future Mrs Bentley. If her other was here, she would sit down and they would talk about life and men and Mrs Adams would pour out the very wisest of marriage advice.

There was a quick knock on the door and it flew open. Margaret rushed in. The ball gown lay spread across the bed. She carefully picked it up by the sleeves and turned to Mary.

"Are you ready for this?" She asked.

Mary turned from the window. She took a deep breath and walked over as Margaret opened up the dress for her to step inside. She tied the dress up the back, and suddenly Mary was ready. She turned around.

"I'm so afraid, Margaret," she whispered.

Margaret took her hand. "I'll stay near you. I'll be there. If you need me, just turn around."

Mary nodded.

"Alright. Its time."

Mary was trembling inside her massive dress. They left the room, making their way to the grand staircase. A few people were coming in through the doors.

"Margaret, you look very lovely," Mary said.

Margaret smiled. "Come on. Let's go in."

As they came in, they were overwhelmed with the song of violins and the smiles of hundreds of faces. Mary's heart thumped wildly. To the side, Lord Bentley was greeting his guests.

"Ah, there you are, Mary. The ball can officially begin now. You look charming, dear."

"Thank you, sir."

"Lady Bentley is still getting ready. Margaret, go and introduce Mary to the Earl, and the Viscount. . ."

"Yes, father," Margaret said, moving on. Mary followed her.

Through the swarms of people, they eventually came to a very tall man with a generous stomach holding a glass of wine. Margaret stepped forward, and when he saw her he smiled.

"Ah, hello Miss Bentley."

"How do you do, Your Grace. May I introduce Miss Mary Adams?"

The Earl's face completely sobered, and he stared at Mary. She blushed and curtsied, but he only stared.

"Miss Mary Adams? The daughter of Mr Charles Adams?"

"Yes, Your Grace," Mary said.

He finished his wine. "I know a lot about you, Miss Adams. Quite a lot, indeed."

Mary stepped back, confused and fearful. What did he know? She had never even heard of him. How did he know her?

"It is an honour to meet you, Your Grace," she said.

"And you, Miss Adams."

They curtsied and left him. Mary seized Margaret's arm, but Margaret knew what she was going to say before she even opened her mouth.

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