Part 9

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Four gruelling days later, Ephraim's letter arrived. Mary received it at breakfast under the watchful eye of her hosts and her brother, but waited until she had find privacy in the garden before she opened it.

Dearest Mary,


As you may have presumed, I have arrived safely in Buckinghamshire. It is strange to be back in charge of the regiment again. I feel like a whole lifetime has gone by since I left them to receive my medal. I look forward to introducing you to them all. They are a fine bunch of young men, but rather mischievous, especially with so many young ladies around to catch their attention.

I hope all is well with you, and with the others at the manor. You must tell me (and be specific, if you remember my dispute with Margaret the other week), if Lady Bentley, or my father, upset you or mistreat you in any way. I can always bring you, Margaret and Frank to stay here, if not nearby at an inn close to me.

The weather is quite fine here also, but my days are very busy. It is now very late so I apologize that my handwriting is not all it could be. Also, there is a bookstore here, so I will be sending you, Margaret and Frank some books very soon.

My journey was rather dull, but some moments could be pleasant. I have been studying the clouds more now that you have sparked an interest of clouds in me (I must sound like a fool!), and this attraction of mine to the sky has developed into a new-found love for astronomy. I have been observing the different constellations and wish to find a book about astronomy so I can increase my understanding on the subject. Are you at all interested in astronomy? If you are, I will get you a book too about it.

I am sorry that this letter is not very fascinating. You know have the address I will be at for the remainder of my time away, so I look forward to hearing from you. What have you and Margaret been up to?

I hope you are in good health.

Yours faithfully,

Colonel Ephraim Bentley


She folded the letter and laid it in her lap, leaning back and letting the fresh air caress her skin. So many thoughts whirled around in her head, but all were of Ephraim. 

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