Part 13

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My dear Mrs Watson,


I must write quickly and regretfully. I do not know how, but the Earl has learned – probably from Mr Dalton – that we were in each other's company at the ball last week. When I came to Margaret's home tonight, the Earl was waiting for me. I was not in uniform, of course, and he asked why, so I told him (lying) I had given into my dead father's wishes that I retired from the military. Margaret was very good and played along, but the Earl asked where my wife (not knowing that I have sent divorcement papers in), his daughter, was. Not knowing, I said she was at the manor, where I had left her to come visit my sister. The Earl then told me he had just been to the manor and not found either me or Lady Bentley there. The servants had told him they had not seen me for months, and that Lady Bentley had left a few days ago in quite a state.

The Earl has forced me to accompany him to search for his daughter, and has told me that he will never allow me back in Hertfordshire or anywhere thereabouts, perchance I run into my ex-wife. He said, "I personally will see to that". But do not be afraid, Mrs Watson, for I know she is not in Hertfordshire.

On a side note, two of my properties have sold, and now only one more – the house in York – remains.

I do not know how long it will take to find Lady Bentley. When we do, however, the Earl has informed me that I am to attend a grand, royal ball with her, to show that we are yet married and strong in our marriage. This, however, would bear false witness, so I wish desperately to escape this situation.

I have therefore devised a new plan. You, my dear Mrs Watson, must be involved. You must write, as an old friend, to Miss Margaret (who I have given the new name of Marjorie Ingram), and invite her to stay with you in your home in 'Wales' (yet I have given her the true address). That will take care of her.

As for myself, I will leave in the middle of the night to return to you by a different route. I may take a long time to reach you by a longer route, Mrs Watson, but I should arrive within the week, and Miss Ingram will join us shortly thereafter.


Yours faithfully,

Mr John Watson



My dearest Mrs Watson,


Forgive me for the anxiety which I know must hang over you. I know you are expecting me any day now, but I have learned terrible news.

Lady Bentley, now a disgrace, has not been invited to the royal ball and also has learned of my divorcement to her. Her answer to this has been to run away with her lover as a fallen woman – to Scotland. She and her lover are staying at his estate merely miles from where you now are. It is unsafe for us to remain there, and we must move.

But there is more news.

The Earl, after realizing my flight and hearing of my divorcing his daughter – and that his daughter is disgracing him – is outraged. He believes I have taken you as my mistress and I have learned that he plans to go to Hertfordshire to your family and demand to know where you are, and if they know my whereabouts. He wants to publicly shame me and have his daughter marry whoever her lover may be and return to society. I do not know how he will cover her scandal, but that is not our issue. You must remain with Lachlan in Scotland, but inquire of the minister if he has any relatives somewhere else in Scotland that you may stay with. Do not worry about the farm, but if you so wish, you may organize the affairs, sell the animals and the farm.

I am currently hiding in Wales, but I plan to write to Miss Ingram in York and tell her to stay at an inn until it is safe for her to leave. Then I will go directly to Hertfordshire and consult with your family as to what they wish to do for their safety.

Yours faithfully,

Mr John Watson



My dear, dear Mrs Watson!

How I long to be with you. Your family is safe. Your sister is to be married soon. Frank, after everything, has decided he is a military man.

The Earl and I could not settle with words, and fought a dual in the upper field. He told me he would make me Earl if I succumbed to him, but I knocked him to the ground. I felt like a child, but it knocked the wind out of him and I waited until he recovered. As he did so, he looked at me with disgust and fear. I made him promise to leave me along forever, else I would purposely bring disgrace to his name.

I come to you in Leith tomorrow. There I have purchased a house and land for us. It will be our home forever.

I will find Miss Ingram in York and we will travel together to Leith as fast as is humanly possible.

I love you eternally.

Let anybody read this and gasp: I, Colonel Ephraim Bentley, love my wife, Mrs Mary Bentley, and my son, Daniel Bentley, who shall only ever know love and freedom.

Your husband,

Mr John Watson

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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