Chapter Two: Helping Hands

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me Lucy, Natsu, Levy, Happy, Gray, Carla and Wendy were all standing outside the guild waiting for Erza.
"Jeez why do girls take so long to pack?" Gray said annoyed. "Yea, why does Erza-San have many stuff to carry?" Questioned Wendy.
"Me,....I barely have anything -.-...." Sulked Lucy. "HA! I don't need anything!!" Natsu said.
" one asked -.- ....." They all said, besides Natsu, sulking.
A few minutes later, Erza appeared 'shining' out of the door.
"I'm here!" Erza said proudly. "


Levy walked up to me and asked for the job request sheet. I handed it to her and it gave her a clue why Erza was so hooked up. She sweat-dropped to the fact that Erza is really into performances.

"Everyone! We're going to be taking a train to the town of Horgeon (or is that how you spell it XD) to a studio that performs shows." Levy explained, "and we have to perform a show for the requesters money.

The good part was that the job was really easy to do and payed a lot of Jwl.


Great....were going on a train -.- ....wait! Wendy is with us! There is no worry at all!!!!....except, if she dosnt have a lot of magic power. I already feel sick just thinking about it.

"Don't worry Natsu!" Erza slammed my back. "We shall be at the show!!!" Erza said proudly.

We all arrived at the train station and I already felt goosebumps.
"You comin flame brain?" Gray told me.
"Eerr!!! You little-" I said throwing up after.
We all went to the train and I was sick sitting next to Erza. "You better not be sick at the show, the show needs to be perfect!" She said determined.

"A-aye sir.."

I have been sick for a while now....what do I do usually when I get sick?...Oh yea! I usually ask Lucy to lay on her lap. For some reason it always works every time I'm sick.

"Oi! Luce can I put my head on your always helps"
She then sweat-dropped and said, "Natsu you need to control your sickness, you can't always have me taking care of you."

"Pleeeease Luce"

She sighed, "Fine, if it helps"
I switched places with Gray which I was sitting between Luce and Wendy.
I dropped my head faced up lying down.

"I'm sorry Natsu I couldn't help" said Wendy. "Carla said I should use my magic power for the mission."
"It's ok! I'm better now!" I smiled at Luce.
She then stroked my hair like she would always do, and it helped too.
She was smiling warmly at me touching my cherry-pink hair. I smiled back.


I liked doing this to Natsu every time when he gets sick, and he liked it too. We are both close friends that help each other in need; just like how we're helping Levy right now.

I looked at Natsu,...who was starring at me. My cheeks turned bright pink a little. I don't know why, and I don't know why he's starring.
I stopped stoking his hair.

"N-Natsu quit starring at me...your making me feel uncomfortable!!"

"Sorry!!" He said. "It's just that your smile is so cute!"

I sighed and smiled warmly.

"He llliiikkkes you" Happy said annoying me.
I ignored him. "Only 2 hours away." Informed Levy. Natsu slowly closed his eyes on my lap, and fell fast asleep. Sooner or later I had fallen asleep as well.
((How did you like it? Yep, I'm slowly bringin the Nalu into it ^_^! Well,...UNTIL NEXT TIME!!!))

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